We are expecting =)

Well, I am about 2 weeks away to my next gynae appointment and am very excited. Sticky Bean is now 9 fetal weeks old (which is 10 gestational weeks). According to my app on iPod Touch, he or she is the size of a prune (3.81cm). When we last saw Sticky Bean, he or she was 2.21cm (see attached picture). =)

The gynae gave the EDD (est due date) as 21/2/2011.

All glory to God =)

Having plenty of cravings with this little Sticky Bean. Kwei Pie Tee, Kimchi Ramen, Ginseng Chicken Soup, North Indian Chaads... =))

Also feeling plenty of nausea but barely puking (I generally refuse to puke no matter how much I feel like it). The doc says it is a good thing because it means my preg hormones are strong. Hurrah!

I am not sure if it is gas in my stomach or Sticky Bean's somersaults I am feeling, but I have been experience flutterings. As this is not my first preg, the flutterings will come early, but I am not sure if it does THIS early. Lol. If it is hurrah! If it isn't, my stomach is sending out morse code signals to me.

Avoiding Singapore Motherhood Forums as I honestly feel that people scare each other on those forums. All this negative talk is fear inducing and faith shaking. I'm happier reading my Bible, tucking into Nerida Walker book and sermons, as well as gobbling up "Supernatural Childbirth" by Terry Mize. These are needful spiritual food. =)

Checking out some websites with real nice maternity clothes, but they must be purchased online. As tech saavy as I am, I still prefer trying out clothes before I buy them. Jap, Taiwanese designs are so kawaii. I really am not fond of those aunty aunty European Angmor designs. Someone bring cuter maternity clothes to Singapore already!!! =ppp

Ok gonna go take my vitamins and snooze. Feeling very sleepy (generally feeling sleepy ALL the time these days... Hahaha)

Zzzzz with love,


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