24/10/10 Sermon by Ps Prince on Bible Hope- how it never fails


Pics of a totally turtled and totaled car. Driver and passenger from NCC. Mavis Ong n her son.

725am sending kid to school in Woodlands. They were on the Seletar expressway. Listening to sermon about how God saved Noah and his family. Someone suddenly hit their car from the back and their car spun and turn-turtled. She screamed JESUS at least five times. Couldn't hold her son and he kept very quiet and the seat belt clung onto him. Her kid's limbs didn't fling about even as car spun in midair- Jesus held on to them. The car that knocked them hit another car and truck. Neither her nor her son were hurt or whiplashed. The sermon was still playing in the car that was now a wreck. She let it keep playing to fill the situation with His Word. Whoever came to their aid, she told them about Jesus and Rom10:13. The guy who hit them was in a worse state although her car was more wrecked than his was. Her hubby was going to wk around that time and felt impressed to turn off radio and pray in tongues for them. Power of marrying a believing spouse. Later found out that all the doors were jammed and only driver's door wasn't jammed so she could get out n help her
son get out. Jesus was behind it. No Amt of safe driving could have helped them but Jesus. A lady who stopped to help them called to thank them. She was moved by sermon playing from car wreck and by what she witnessed. She said her hubby and her were having problems and what she witnessed in Mavis' accident has strengthened her belief in Christ. :) Devil meant to harm them but many blessings came from this incident. No one was scratched but Mavis's son's new water bottle. Lol.

God's deliverance system- by the foolishness of preaching to sozo us. Keep on speaking forth the water. Sozo- save, heal and deliver. We are going back go better circumstances and better financial situation and better family relationships and better health.

Ppl of the world think they are broad minded but investing time and energy in what is temporal, empty. We are pursuing things that are eternal, with true substance. So who is truly broadminded? It takes greater stupid faith to look at all these things & believe there is no god.
Our earth is precisely where it should be. A little closer... Just a few miles... And the Sun would burn us up. A little further and we would freeze. And they say there is no God.

Jesus said if u speak to the mountain and the mountain will move. We will have whatever we say. Ur expectation must be in the right place. U must speak what u want and expect what u speak. Don't doubt it. Mountain = insurmountable problem. Speak to the mountain. Not to Him. There is a place to speak to Him also. Jesus never prayed for ppl to be healed. He spoke over the illness of the ppl. "Women you are loosed from your infirmity."

Speak to Ur body in Jesus's name. :)

I curse this growth in Jesus's name. I curse this financial problem in Jesus's name.

Keep on speaking and speaking. Keep speaking the word of God in faith.


Christ is the HP of our confessions.

Homologio- confession not of sin. It means keep speaking the same.

See heb4:14. U cannot hold fast to a confession of sin.

Heb10:21-23. Once u know Jesus Christ died for Ur sins. Cleansed in Greek means cleansed once and for all. Evil conscience- keep feeling condemned, guilty. We should have a righteous consciousness. To have sin on our consciousness is to insult the one who paid for it.


There is a teaching that u must have faith and not hope. But that's not true, when u hold fast to confession of bible hope, the faith is released.

Elpis- joyful and confident expectation of good.

This is bible hope. It is not a maybe hope or wishful thinking. Bible hope is a CERTAIN expectation of good. U know and are confident it will happen.

Woman with issue of blood. She had issue of blood and had hope that if she touches His garment she SHALL be healthy. Was able to visualize that she could be healed. No healed yet but had a confident expectation of good.

Bible hope has to do with salvation. Because Christ has died for us, we are confident that Jesus will always come through for us.

Heb 11:1

Before there is faith, there is hope. Faith is the SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR. Heb 11:1

No hope = nothing for faith to build upon on.

Have confident expectation and prepare for the good to come through.

We can say WE WILL HAVE DOUBLE RESTORATION even when we face trouble.

Not human hope- "Maybe lor." or "See how lah."

God has promised and He is FAITHFUL TO HIS PROMISES.

The world likes to say don't raise people's hope because that is human hope. It always disappoints.

But bible hope ne'er disappoints.

Romans 5:1-8

Justified by faith leads to 5 results.

Righteousness is right standing before God is not bases on our performance but through the finished work of Christ. It is a gift.

1) PEACE with God through Christ. Peace with the one who really matters. Doesn't matter what ppl say abt u. God sings over us (see Zephaniah).

2) ACCESS into FAVOUR ground. Grace = favour. Personal access to His grace and all the favor of God that u have read about. The favor on Noah and Ruth and Abraham... U have access to this FAVOUR. Ppl dunno why but wants to work with u. Ppl who have demonic influences can treat u badly still though because the demonic influence in them are afraid that u have favor. Love that person as it causes His light to fall upon the darkness & releases the favour.

3) Confident God's glory will manifest in Ur life. There is a glory that envelopes us. Man was created to have dominion over circumstances through his words. Adam forfeited it when he sinned. Lost the glory. But Christ came and showed how man is supposed to function. He spoke and the wind and waves listened; He spoke and illness had to flee. Curse is speaking negative. Don't speak what people speak over u. Don't speak negative over Ur family.

4) We also glory in our troubles. Nothing happens that doesn't go through the filter of God. All things will work for your good to showcase His glory. See Joseph's life. The things that happened to him wasn't funny. But the chain of negative circumstances that happened to him were stepping stones to His glory. He can take everything negative the devil throws at u and turns it into double restoration. He will cause all your troubles to work for u, not against u.

Troubles produce character and that in turns produce perseverance. Soldiers made in the furnace of affliction, not through lying down and playing dead.

Steel- made into horse shoe is $30, made into small springs for Rolex watches $1000. Same steel but one more refined and crafted than the other.

Some ppl always angry with their circumstances. But see that sometimes these troubles are food for Ur character. Proven character is confident expectation of God's goodness. Raise Ur bible hope. Bible hope will never put u to shame. Amen!!!!!

Whenever we feel God loves us. See Rom5:5.

Father I know this day will be a good day. Ur favor will surround me. Ur goodness has gone ahead of me. Because U love me.

Call out for the results u want, even though haven't manifested, because God loves u. U are the child of God.

Because YOU love me, Daddy God, I am greatly blessed, no evil can come upon me.

When u have a sense that God loves u, good things happen to u.

Sometimes before u even pray, He brings the answer. :)

"Before they call, I will answer" says God.

U are God's beloved- primary role of HS is to show us we are God's beloved.

He that endures to the end will be saved. :)

Bible tells us God wants us to be prisoners of hope- to blv the best in the worst of situations.

Eg of this? Abraham!

Roman 4:17-22

Sometimes God's promise goes beyond our understanding. He sees the end from the beginning. God calla those things that haven't exist as though they are. He spoke light when He saw darkness and there was light. U must speak first then u will see. If u see first then speak, will not see it.

Abraham, who contrary to hope, in hope, believed. He had confident expectation of God's goodness.

Hope comes first then faith happens.

Abraham, against hope, believed in hope.

Zechariah 9:11-12

The blood of Jesus is powerful. It is God's righteousness. Frees us from waterless pit.

Even when we do wrong, God sees us right. Not encouraging us to do wrong. It embolds us to keep doing right because He sees us right.

I am a hopeless prisoner of hope. Lol. U are a prisoner of hope whether u like it or not. He will restore double to us. Restoration is coming our way. Haven't happened yet but SMILE because Ur future is bright. U are His object of love and care. Double means what? PLENTY. MORE THAN ENOUGH.

Eph 6 says out on His armour. The devil can't tell who is inside when u are inside. Helmet of Salvation= 1 Thess 5:8... Helmet that protects Ur mind from stinking thinking.

Morning woke up happy. By night time feel blah. Not circumstances that happened to u. Ur thinking changed. No one can make u angry. U have to know it and think about it. If God didn't put glory into the criticism they say, forget it... because God can make every word of theirs to fall to the ground. Don't bother about the naysayers.

Ppl talk bad about us all the time. Dunno dun affect us. When we know, then we think and react and we choose how we want to react.

It's more important to be at peace than to be right. If u fight to be right, U can lose Ur peace and Ur joy and Ur health. If God defends who can attack?

We are all in charge of our emotions. Guard Ur mind with the helmet of positive expectation of GOOD.

Jesus loves me so bad things will not happen to me.

Don't let the devils move u out of that personal revelation of God's love with thoughts like "This can happen to u. No one knows." Speak and say "Jesus, thank you that you are the high priest of my confession and this bad thing will never happen to us."

Ps60:7- Ephraim is the helmet for My head.

Who is Ephraim? Key is in hebrew - "Double fruitfulness."

God thinks MORE THAN ENOUGH... put on that helmet. Not the world's helmet of negative thoughts.


Live in His NOW not in the "what if"...

Luke -

Opens up with Zechariah, John the Baptist's dad. The Priest will come out to bless the people from the temple. Nothing more tragic to Israel than a dumb/ mute priest.

Zechariah- God remembers.
Elizabeth- God's promise
John- God's Grace

God remembers His promise to give grace.

Angel appears to Mary and she asks HOW it will happen. Didn't doubt but marvelled. Gabriel appeared to Zechariah but he questioned HOW CAN THAT BE? He doubted. So God shut his mouth to prevent him from speaking against the blessing.

So Luke opens with a dumb priest that cannot bless. How did Luke end? See Lk24:50- He opened up His hands and blessed (eulogio) them. The last pic of Jesus - a High Priest that blesses.
He was parted from them: He was unwilling to stop blessing them. He did not depart. He was parted from them.

And we say what He says. He says u are blessed, so u say u are blessed. Homologio.

The prayer of Apostle Paul Rom15:13- prayer for abounding hope.


Keep on rejoicing in hope of the glory of God. If u are in trouble, u also rejoice becoz Ur hope will not disappoint. Jesus loves u and u are coming out of trouble. And it came to pass. Ur troubles may seem forever but it will pass. Joseph and David had seasons of trouble but season are not forever. Rejoice in tribulation. Character being moulded so He can trust u with more and more. God is a present help. Don't allow yourself to regret yesterday or worry about tomorrow. His grace will swallow up Ur mistakes and Ur worries and Ur troubles.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch.


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