13/6/2010 Sermon Notes NCC “True Joy” (Pastor Lian)

Filled from lunch, but are u ready to eat the food that lasts, that gives real life? :)

Today’s sermon inspired by what Rick Godwin told Darlene Zschech

Two significant moments in a person’s life 1) day of our birth 2) when we find out WHY we were born

We all are born, but 2nd point is so impt- discovering the reason why we are here.

U think most ppl know why they are here, but not true.

A guy did a study on what is the meaning of life and sent it to 250 of the finest minds in America-philosophers, scholars, etc. They wrote back to him- first 2 grps: we never thought about meaning in life hut made up our own, 3rd grp: honestly dunno, 4th grp: really dunno too but would like a reply if he discovers the answer.

It’s not a surprise actually becoz a faith oreaher said that he blv 80% of charismatcs have no idea why they are here on earth.

God wants us to know the reason so we have focus in life and focus is power.

He gave Abraham a destiny and purpose.

Gen 12:1-2 God called Abraham out of darkness and told him His destiny and purpose for Abraham- bless him to be a blessing. Didn’t tell him what to do.

When God called His ppl out to be holy- diff from the world, special, set apart. Not a people who has to strive, but a people He will bless and turn into a blessing. And what God promised, He is always able and faithful to perform.

In the world, largest number of Jews in US & followed by Israel, France, Russia, etc. There are 13-14m Jews in the world. When God called Abraham, Sarah was barren and they were very old and aged. So that they have 13-14m descendants today, that’s pretty good.

What God promises no one can stop Him for performing it. No dictator, no enemy.

Jews are made by Him to be special people. Wow a blessed people they are becoz God promised Abraham and performed His promise. Not about them being good but about how God is good and faithful.

Ps Lian shows a list of famous Jews in Sc and Meds. From coining the term medicine and discovering blood types, discovering adrenal hormones, discovered first live virus vaccine for polio, performed first heart transplant, vaccines for hepB….

Jews in IT Michael Dell Dell Computers, Benjamin Rosen Compaq, Andrew Grove Intel, Larry Ellison…

Famous Jewish brands levis, estee lauder, sears, calvin klein, Hagen daas, etc etc

God blessed the Jews and made them a blessing. Not that they are a good people but that God is faithful to perform.

Stan Lee, Jerry Siegel, Joe Achuster, Max Fleisher… A Jew created Porky Pig.

Singers- Carol King, Billy Joel, Barbara Streisand, Neil Diamknd, Bob Dylan, Natalie Portman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Conelly.

ALL the studios in Hollywood founded by Jews as well.

He made an uncommon people with a disproportionate amount of favour and blessings. This is their destiny and God’s plan for them.

What about us?

See Gal3:13-14 “… That the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles through Christ Jesus…”

Our destiny is to blessed and to be a blessing. God has ordained us to be a special and uncommon people.

We too will be a people called out of darkness not to do this and do that or strive or pursue wealth… He asked us to come and be blessed. Great difference. In that blessing there is financial blessing but we dun pursue the wealth on purpose. We just come to God to receive blessings and be a blessing.

Deacon Matthew Kang:

Got to know wife in 1979 and married in 1988. First came to NCC in 1991. Wife was abt to divorce him. He was in debt and a wild gambler. Remembered when try got married, it was tough for him. Ps P counselled him and expc restoration in their marriage. Had to go around house looking for coins Amt $2 to take bus to go to work. Came from a family of 15 and they ate food from dumping ground. Eat expired can food. His wife earned more than him and one day she got retrenched. He went to PP for prayer and PP spoke over him- dun worry, God will take care of his family and one day raise him up to be the sole breadwinner. Asked God did He know what he was going through or not? Within 5 mins, got a page from a leader who called to say God knows what u are king through.
The things he held on to over the years is the Word of God. Made the Word personal for himself. Claimed off the word of God. Today blessed beyond his wildest imagination. A revelation he had was whatever u want, speak it out. God likens our tongue to be the rudder of the ship. Where we want our future to be, speak it out. Not about the house we stay or whatcar we drive, but about who our God is how faithful And good He is. They have 3 kids today ranging from 8 to 21years old. Happily married to his wife.

God is faithful to his promises. Amen. Deacon Matthew just kept believing and speaking and it manifested.

Deacon Matthew and his wife, June, appeared in papers becoz they sponsored the wedding of their domestic helper who met a man and was going to get married. They are blessed to be a blessing.

We are a consecrated and set apart people. Consecrated- in the OT… Consecrated = fill your hands…. Priests filled their hands with sacrifice. When your hands are filled with Jesus, God will fill your hands.

He will cause that Word to be a reality in your spirit man. Not about memorizing but catching and receiving the revelation that He is an awesome God.

Ps Lian visited a few homes in Malaysia that ministered to sick and destitute. Met thw guy who set these 30 homes up. He told Ps Lian that he was a drug addict and at lowest point wanted to commit suicide. Heard voice inside saying it’s okay just jump. Know now it is devil. He resisted. Finally, he cried out to God and He said if u dun want your life, dun end it, give it to Me. Went to his brother’s place in JB and went cold turkey. In 5-6 days, the addiction broke. Went to church with his brother. He worked as a cleaner and earned close to nothing at first for a while, but was so happy. That is being rich. Said it was like heaven come down on him.

U can have a lot of money but be poor. We are rich and blessed people becoz God has called us out of darkness because we are blessed to be a blessing. That is our destiny.

God doesn’t want us to pursue His Will. We don’t have to chase after it. Some ppl chase this will going meetig after meeting, begging pastor after pastor to tell them what is God’s specific will for their lives.

Don’t pursue the will. That is not how God means for us to live even though He has a specific will for us.

Fill your heart with Him and He will fill your hand with every good thing

So how to walk in His will? Ps37:4-9… Instead of chasing your tail, delight yourself in the LORD and HE SHALL GIVE U THE DESIRES OF UR HEART. Commit your way to the Lord and trust in Him and He shall bring it to pass…. Note psalm says REST in the Lord and not run after him… When we WAIT on the LORD we shall inhert earth.

Rest, not run.

When Samuel came to anoint one of Jesse’s son to be king…. But none of the 7 present were the one. Jesse forgot abt David.

Our parents might forget, our bosses might forget but God does not forget. He who promised is faithful to do what He has promised.

When u are blessed, u will be a blessing.

When Darlene wrote “Shout to the LORD”, she never thought she would write a hit Christian song. She wrote it in her darkest moment. She just turned to Jesus and delighted in Him- she turned to find comfort and strength in Him. She was so embarrassed about the song when she first played it for her music directors and asked them to face the wall as she sang it. And God took that song and made it a blessing throughtot the nations because she delighted herself in Him.

Whatever u are called to, just pursue Him, and delight yourself in Him.

Just delight ourselves in Him and He (not us) will bring the blessings to pass. God’s way - dun chase ur tail, delight yoursf in Him. World’s way is stressful and about striving.

Everday just commit what is in your hand to the LORD… don’t be quick to throw it away. Commit what is in your hand to Him.

See Col 1:9 When u have the knowledge of His will- you will also have wisdom and spirtual understanding.

What is wisdom from above like? James 3:17

God’s will for our life- to bless us.

Don’t need to do big things, every day dreaming big. Don’t pursue those. Pursue Him an let Him bring it to past. Dream but let Him do it. Don’t run after the big things. He just wants us to do great things everyday… What’s diff btw great things and big things? Big thing is being a superstar, having a lot of money. Great thing is having an excellent spirit, as in the one that Daniel has, a spirit that DEPENDS ON GOD. No amount of intelligence that can shut the lion’s mouth. Depending on God causes great things to happen.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not here yet, we only have today.- Mother Teresa Ps 118- this is the day the Lord has made

Just focus on today. Rejoice. Depend on Him today. Dun regret yesterday or worry about tomorrow. Focus on today. Just rejoice in what He has put in your hands today and He will take what’s in your hand and make it big. U dont have to make it big yourself.

John Osteen came from poor and non believing bckgrd. Go to school hungry and had holes in shoes. His mum washed clothes and paid 10cents per hour. John had a classmate called Sam who wrote scripture on the blackboard altho mocked by other classmates. John never forget Sam. John was so poor in the heart and his hands were thus empty. Went drinking a lot and felt so empty. Questioned the meaning of life and who God is. Looked for Sam and asked Sam for answers. Sam invited him to church and at church, John gave his life to God. And that day, God took the family out of the realm of the curse and put them in the realm of blessing. That is what happened to us too. John pastored a big church and Sam too pastored a church, smaller one. Sam wrote a book and the title was “I Touched One And He Touched Millions”.

Mothers are called to greatness- supportive of hubby and raise champions in our kids.

What is the secret of a life like Apostle Paul?

Phil1:21 - For me to live is Christ

Christ is on the throne of His life; not his job or anything else. Christ is Paul’s focus.

That is the secret of a life like Apostle’s Paul.

When u put Jesus first on the throne of ur life, it means ur fears and worries and problems are not first, and everything will be alright.

When god says I am a jealous God, it means He is jealous for our welfare, jealous that we should be blessed.

When we are on the throne, it is painful. When we are on the throne, we are full of self and our anxieities.

Lady told Ps Lian she discovered hubby had affair and had lost her will to live. Ps Lian sat her down and counselled that this is becoz she out her hubby on the throne. So when he went, her life crashed and burned. Still love hubby and dress up for him but as unto the Lord, because if u do it for hubby u will be disappointed when he doesn’t appreciate it. Put Jesus on the throne of ur life. Met lady some time later and she was happy because she now understands how putting Christ first has freed her from unhappiness.

Men out works on throne mostly. Kids tend to out games, entertainment and pleasures on the throne. See Solomon’s reflection after putting pleasures of life first- Ecc2:17.

Parents don’t put your kid on the throne of your life.

Ps Lian shares letter from a couple who wrote about how they introduce kids to Jesus and entrust them to Him. Tell kids to look to God first, not parents first. Tell Him and ask Him to fix it before looking him up. Sometimes they can’t answer the phone because in meetings. Only depend on His love for them, because God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Great is His faithfulness. Parents are not perfect and have moods and ups and downs. Inconsistent.

“We outsource our children to the best 24h care in the whole universe, Jesus. :D” AMEN!!

Life is not difficult. It is impossible. A life lived by our own strength is impossible. It may not feel so at first but as u keep pressing on alone without God, without His blessings will burn out.

This is the true joy of life: the being used up for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one… Etc… That the world will not devote itself to making u happy. - George Bernard Shaw

The joy of life- when we know our destiny is that God has taken us out of the realm of curse and placed us in the realm of blessing.

—— end sermon

(God loves everyone, not just Christians.)


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