2 years make a difference

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to any believers of other religions if they feel aggrieved about posts from 2 years back. I guess I have grown much more since then and temper my articles, I hope, with greater sensitivity, love, and grace.

I would also like to express that this blog was created not with any intention to hit out any particular religion. I might have said some stronger things 2 years back when I was a little more brash, and as this is my personal space to share with my other Christian friends, I did not consider that people of other faiths might actually find their way here through google or some random search, and feel hurt about anything I wrote.

For this, I am truly sorry. As this is also a reflection of a journey of growth and discovery in the walk, I hope this blog shows how Christ truly is able to change and transform us.

I cannot deny my beliefs; but I have come to understand that religion is a deeply personal choice and I hope to agree to disagree with others. I hope that as you ask for tolerance for your views, that you too can tolerate my view. If not tolerance becomes a meaningless fad word that we toss out...

Logaically speaking how can I call myself a Christian if I agree with the theology of another religion? =) Similarly, I have grown to see that belief comes with seasons passed and experiences one meets. I will not expect everyone to agree with my faith, and I do not look for you to agree with me. BUT let's truly agree that we disagree for this is an area so individual that we can't force an agreement on any one person at all.

I ask for your kind understanding to see the growth from 2 years ago till today... of a Christian who might have been less understanding, to a Christian who hopefully now deals with wisdom and the unconditional love of Jesus.

I have no agenda but to encourage and to tell everyone that Jesus loves you. But you have the right to receive or reject it. I am not here to force any one view down your throats.

The Jesus I believe in loves you regardless of your religion, the door is always open. But I also cannot deny my belief that one needs to receive Him in order to receive eternal salvation. In that same breath, I am not condemning any non-Christian to Hell. I cannot judge nor can I condemn. It is not for me to say. =) It is between you and the maker. I walk my path and this blog has moved to being one meant to encourage and instil HOPE through the Word of the LORD vs one that hopes to criticise and incite negative feelings.

Shalom- which means Peace, Wholeness, Health and Prosperity- to you and your loved ones...


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