What is the Christian message?

Over the years, the church has forgotten what it means to be a Christian.

It doesn't mean we go around telling people "my God is better than yours", or "my church is better than your church, my church is more right than your church."

Being a Christian is about going out there and telling people- "There is a God out there and He came and died on the Cross because He loves you. He died to free you from the bondage and disappointments of your past, the anxieties and grievances of today, and the myriad uncertainties of tomorrow. There is a God up there who calls you beloved; Who loves you even before you know of Him or even come to love Him. His door is open even before you knock. His name means covenant friend because He has made a promise to redeem you, to raise you up if you choose to call on His name. His name is Jesus."

Our central message is about how Jesus loves the people in this world so much... How He never had an unkind word to say to the lost, the abandoned, the sick, the destitute and those who feel their lives are condemned beyond salvation or hope.

Our central message is how He came to take our place of sinfulness on the Cross despite being without sin, so that we can have a new identity in Him.

Our central message isn't about making fun of another person's belief or telling them they got it wrong. We should show them graciousness and a god who died for us whilst we were all sinners, we should be telling them it is ok even though they are imperfect before coming to Jesus, becoz it is His love that will perfect and complete their brokeness within & without.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch.


  1. Agreed :-) I'm also guilty of not sensing that our pastors may have said something offensive to other religions, altho I must say that politically incorrect does not mean factually incorrect ;-)

  2. I agree with Stanley. Thing is, the Christian belief is offensive to many... and we don't even have to try to be critical and malicious to seem that way. But I would not count it all as unfortunate. The Word is what it is, and the "harshness" of it gives people the choice to choose between liking what they hear vs. knowing the weight of Truth. Daddy God is true to form - allowing us to practice free will. People can hear what they want and decide for themselves, but we must be consistent in revealing who Jesus is. And I think this blogpost explains it well. :)


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