Vision Sunday 2013 - The Keys of David (06.01.13) by Pastor Joseph Prince, New Creation Church Singapore. SERMON NOTES

Good News - 

Australia- Anonymous
6m ago sister went for eye test. Pressure was high and Doc say needed eye drops and needed to see specialist. Didn't want to have glaucoma. Took communion. Refused to worry. Worry is a choice. Went for check up and pressure was good. Eye pressure went further down in recent check up. Able to pursue career choice to be a pilot. All glory to Jesus. 

Sister from our church. Charissa
Three prayer requests and she felt troubled because 2/3 of her prayer request not met. Four days before last service, her request for her menstrual cycle resumed naturally! Then that week, her mother said her dad asked to go church with her and accepted Christ!! Her prayer requests were fulfilled at the very last time of the year and Jesus did it with such style. 

Sermon starts-

God sometimes may seem late but is always on time. 

Vision Sunday- day that God sets theme for our church this year. 

Local church is where God pastors us. We are all universal church but God works through local church. 

Theme for NCC. 

Why does God do this? Many years ago when our church was smaller, pastor would seek God for guidance for that year. 

Theme is like Israel's feast day. There are special times when God emphasises a certain thing. 

Some people get super spiritual and say everyday is Christmas. Come down your high horse. He knows we are humans and focus on things one at a time. New theme doesn't remove previous theme. We don't leave restful increase to have unceasing fruitfulness. It is added on. Theme is the focus for this year. 

Kenneth Copeland mentioned God spoke to him 2013 is a year of great grace. It will be for us too. But our church has a specific theme for us for 2013. 

What God has on his heart? Won't be wrong to say God's favour, God's grace. But the emphasis- Ps was taking care of Justin, patting him to sleep, reading bible. Opened up bible to a passage on Jesus. And yet still didn't have theme. Opened to Isaiah 22:23-24 I will fasten him to a peg in a secure place and he will become a glorious throne to his father's house. 

In other words, Jesus is like a peg in a sure place. And God puts all the expensive vessels (rept us) of the house on Him. Pastor closed the book. Didn't see theme. 

Next morning, woke up and heard God say "the key of David". Pastor got up and asked what about it. He read Book of Revelations. There are seven churches and there was one God did not reprove. Rept church eras in the 2000 yrs. The last ones are the 6th and 7th one- happen concurrently. 

Rev 3:7-8

In a world with so much hatred, bitterness, strife, trouble, you can find someone perfectly holy. U can rest in His perfection. 

Holy is not this idea of outward things. Holy's opposite is commonness not sit. In original Greek, Holy means "set apart", not common. Though in the world, not of the world. 

In a world built on pretence and bottom line is profit... Church is about people... God instituted finance. Money is medium of exchange - your efforts to better the world becomes money. Eg. A person promoting a product who truly feels the product, who truly feels what he promotes will help the person who purchases it DIFF from someone selling just to make bottom line. 

Keep money a servant and not the master. 

Key of David appears in above bible quotation. 

The church lacking discernment, Jesus appears as eyes with flames of fire. 

Reminders to ladies in church to remember to look out for the substance and not the 

Laodicean church claimed clothed. But LORD said not covered in robes of His glory. 

Church of philadelphia - doors open that no one can shut and shut doors no one (no man, no demon, no angel fallen or otherwise) can open. 

Isaiah 22:22- JESUS holds the key of the house of David. 

5 represents grace

22 represents light and revelation in Bible symbolism. 

Only other place in bible that spokes about key of David. 

Year of open doors! He shuts the doors that will harm you. 

Rev 3:8

4 things to hold on to (that Phil Church held on to)
1) His Word - Scribes could tell Herod where baby is so Jesus could be killed but no revelation. So knowledge not enough
2) His name- Church that raises the name of Jesus. Honour him and say LORD Jesus
3) His patience - face trials with His patience. Nothing untoward will happen us and pray that the LORD will not let us come under temptation. But there will be trials. 

Parents sometimes don't wan kids to go through things that hardened and strengthened us. He will bring us through the trial with VICTORY. 

We under praising, under thanking under worshipping - thank God for harm u don't know of that He kept u from. 

Spiritual door - akin to door of Narnia (CS Lewis was a theologian). We step in to a place of promotion, a place we can do more, to a brand new life. 

Speaks of His Sovereignity over our smarts. Doesn't matter we lack in looks, talents and qualifications. When God opens the door no opposition can shut it. 

Jesus opened the door for Pp's ministry. Others put in more money an effort but door stayed shut. 

Acts 14:27

Opened the door of faith - even Paul said God opens the door. 

PP says we don know the future but we know the one who holds the future. And the key is held in nail pierced hands. 

Adam and Eve brought death into this world when first sinned against God. There was a time when he world was place where people would never grow old or sick. But Adam bowed his knee to Satan and the latter brought in sin, ageing, diseases. 

If disease is from God, Jesus healing all is going against God. 

Hebrews 2 said Devil had power of death. Note past tense. Had. So now who has it?

Rev 1:16-18
Jesus holds the backslidden in His hand. V18- Jesus has the keys of Hell and of death. Orig Greek- Death and Hell. 

Jesus said don't be afraid- telling believers not to fear that our numbers called like that. Keys of Hell- nothing can send us to hell because His blood is forever. Saved forever. 

John was the one who lived to a ripe, good old age- 94yo. Preached during reign of Emperor Domnician- most anti-Christian Roman emperor. Brought John to Colosseum and invited all to see John killed. Had a cauldron of boiling oil. John preached before he was thrown. They threw him in and he came out preaching and whole. Not even a trace of smoke on him. Entire Colosseum repented and gave life to Jesus. John KNEW who held the keys. 

God will never force His blessings on us. 

An artist drew a pic of Jesus knocking at a door overgrown with weeds. When the painting was displayed in public, someone said made mistake. Door had no knob. Artist said door knob inside and can only open from inside, cannot open from outside. He won't force His way in. If u don't agree, u won't get it.

Amen- so be it in my life. God waits for our permission to allow it in our life. 

Keys of hell and death not the keys of David. 
Keys of what u allow and don't allow also not the key of David. 

Key of David opens door for us. 

If u feel u struggle with doubt and unbelief, God will open the door of faith. 

2 Cor 2:12

LORD opened the door for Paul. Don't just smash through doors. Let God open the door. If God doesnt open the door, no one can break it down. We are so dependent on him. 

When we are weak before God, these are the ones who stand tall amongst men. 

1Cor 16:9

Great- Mega
effective - Energea (energy) 

Because God opens the door, there will be critics and opposers. 

Our opened door is one of favour. But will have adversary. Daniel and Joseph had adversary but God delivers them out of their hands. 

Col 4:3-4 KJV
Pp prays this before he preaches. 
V3 - door of utterance (LOGOS)

I am not eloquent. How can I speak words that set people free of lifelong addictions? But if it is anointed of the Holy Spirit, it will transform. 

"Open to me big door of supernatural utterance". Sometimes PP sidetracks in his sermon he ended up addressing someone's issue- a heavenly wink to them. 

At work, at home, u can pray that God will open for u the door of utterance. Don't utter of ur own. A few words will carry more weight than paragraphs and pages. Not carnal words. 

Year of opened wombs! Lots of babies to be born this year. Story of Abraham and Abimelech- Gen 30:22

How is the womb an opened door?

Job 3:10 - because it did not shut up the doors of my mother's womb

We have no record of her praying. God heard her when she did. Our key is to ASK. Nothing happened before she prayed. 

Col 4:3-4 Praying= key

Keys in our hands 1) prayer. Ten commandment never talks about prayer. Law presupposes our strength. Prayer is expression of grace. I cannot but God can. He will give in our mouths the wisdom we need. 

Jesus was never at a loss. 

Don't like ur work place? Pray for new work place.
Don't like our kids' friends? Don't nag. Pray. We have influence with God. 

Whilst we are weak in and ourselves, we have strength in the one who is omnipotent. 

Why don't people pray? When they think they can. Why do they pray? Because the realise they cannot. 

Waiting until u cannot is a waste of time. When God opens (unconditional love), better than when man opens (a lot of T&C) 

When He unlocks the door, it is a brand new world for you. 

Some people, say they can't have kids because of old age. Remember Sarah! Youth renewed at old age. 

Someone said our church full of young people but our mature members are 70%. Majority 40s and 50s. Lol. But people keep saying our church a lot of young people. Our people just look young. 

This generation are hearing things we had to grapple with last time. 

God did it for Joshua, Caleb and Sarah! "I don't care if u are in your forties, do u want to have a baby? If u have a husband that is." If He opens the door of your womb, no age can shut. Sarah became fruitful at the age of 90, even a Heathen king wanted. 

No matter what your unclean habit is, so u choose to be changed? He has the key. Do u want? 

Not about u supplying own strength and willpower. If u choose He will put in the key. :) 

Hey, this is just the intro to the theme. Cannot preach finish today.
David will feature in sermons prominently this year. 

Root of David, offspring of David- He made David as God (deity), came from David's line (humanity). 

Acts 16:6-7

Forbidden by the HS- closed door
Asia (Asia Minor aka Turkey) 
Is it possible that God will even close doors to missions? U might be facing persecution God didn't mean for u to have. Paul ministry was for gentile. Jews hated him. Peter's anointing was for Jews. 

Know your assignment and follow that. 
Pray for open doors. 

Such a thing as "not time yet". 

See next verse, also not permitted by HS to pray in another place. 

After Adam and Cain sinned, they heard the LORD. We cannot help but hear God. 

Justin never learned 7 steps to hearing Daddy's voice. We definitely hear His voice. 

You can pray for opened doors or closed doors. But don't limit Him. Pray God if this is for me, open doors. If not for me, close the doors. 

God doesn't guide a parked car. Hard to tell parked car to turn right or move forward. U must move. 

Move forward and hear inside if the peace grows or shrinks. 

Acts 16:15

Thyatira- one of the 7 churches.
God opened Lydia's heart. 
Pray for opened heart. 
Lydia worshipped God although haven't heard the gospel. 

Key here is WORSHIP!

Cornelius- prayed, sincere heart and not saved. Heart for God but didn't know Jesus. God sent Peter to Cornelius' house. An angel appeared to Cornelius. 

Even a tribal man, in a remote place if he wants to know the saviour. God will find a way to get the Word to him.

A demon possessed woman obstructed Paul. She was involved in fortune telling. After evil came out, she couldn't fortune tell anymore. Fortune telling involves a demon predicting another demon's moves. Evil. 

Paul and Silas were thrown in inner dungeon- where other prisoners defecated on them. 

Acts 16:23-34

Is it midnight in your life? What do u do? Paul and Silas were in he wrong place for the right reason. They never complained. They prayed and sung hymns to God. 

Other key is PRAISE. 

David got into hard places but prayer and praise protected David. 

Hymns- pascal psalms sung during feast of Pentecost and Tabernacles. 

Singing the words of David. Singing songs of "loving kindness" (Hesed). 

"Suddenly there was a great earth quake"- suddenly there was a turn around! (eyes in auditorium flickered)

Immediately ALL the doors were opened and chains fell off. Earthquake sent by God, no one died. Destruction is not the act of God. Act of devil. 

What kind of bondage holds u? Pray for God to open the doors of freedom and let chain fall of. 

V27- prison keeper noted every prison door is open because he locked them. What men shuts, Jesus can open. What Jesus shuts, no one can open. 

When u see God's goodness and love, u give goodness and love to others. Paul did not offer to help the jialor kill himself. 

Baptism doesn't save you. But it is good to be baptised when u have been saved. 

V34- There is going to be family joy this year. 

SUDDENLY - in an instance. He puts in the key, opens and no one can shut. And no one can open what He shuts. 

Say AMEN out loud to what u agree with. 

In the valley of Achor (trouble), there will be a door of HOPE (positive expectation of GOOD).

World says don't raise your hope but we RAISE OUR HOPES HIGH because He will open the door of hope for us. 


  1. Thank you, i am so blessed by your write up, God bless you and your household.

  2. thank you so much for your write up, i am so blessed by it, God bless you and your household

  3. Nice article.I totally afree with you.
    yes it is about jesus
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  4. Pastor it is so obovious that you expend all of your engery to knowing the word and in researching the word so that even a child can understand. It is truly a blessing to hear you teaching the divine word of God. I'm postive that when I was channel surfing I did not stop on your program by accident. May God bless you and your home


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