What the Anointing Oil is & Prayer for the Anointing Oil

Pastor Prince from New Creation Church has recently called upon the church members to use the Anointing Oil to bless every area of our lives.

He had gone to Tiberius Church in Indonesia and seen how the anointing oil has made a difference to the Christians there. The senior pastor of Tiberius Church, Pastor Yesaya Pariadji, had been led by the Father to get his church to use the anointing oil radically. He had a vision of a biblical quotation when he was still not yet a Christian - he had no idea what it was. When he became a pastor, he finally understood what it meant. He felt very led to get his church to use anointing oil so they went ahead and used it; their testimonials are plentiful and amazing.

Pastor Prince being a huge believer in Sola Scriptura, decided to discern further, pray about this and read up on the scriptural references on Anointing Oil before telling us to use it. He believes in doing things biblically - meaning we can be radical in our faith (for example our church's Holy Communion practice has drawn criticisms - we take Holy Communion over our health and when we face challenges in life to remember Christ's victory and perfect work on the Cross - all these are founded biblically as well) but it must be scripture based. His care in ensuring that this is rooted in the Word of Christ and the many faith filled testimonials from the Christians in Indonesia is a great testimony to the power of the anointing oil of Jesus Christ.

Some testimonies from Tiberius Church and Pastor Prince himself when he first tried the anointing oil out -

There was a believer in Indonesia who anointed his house. He lived in a particularly jialak area where there were often riots and attacks on Christians. Once his area had a big fire 'coz some muslim radicals had set fire to the area but the fire just stopped short of his place.

Another Indonesian believer anointed his car and when he was attacked by highway robbers who used the axe on it, the robbers not only could not break the windshield with their axe, they literally bounced off the car each time they tried.

Pastor Prince anointed his daughter's balcony after sighting of some bees that had scared her. The next day, the cries of their maid got them running over to the balcony. The bees had died, lined up in a straight row at the balcony. It was as if they could not get past a barrier and had fallen dead.

Personal testimonials from care group members and my family

A care group brother's friend, A, had broken his foot doing sports. Whilst A's friend was trying to help him out, he slipped and fell on A which aggravated the injury. On the way home, A's foot was further hurt by an enthusiastic cab driver that tried to massage and pull the bone into place.
When he went to the hospital, the bone had become somewhat deformed and he had to go for an operation. After the operation, the doctor initially told him he would take 2-3 months to heal, the next visit saw the doctor extending the duration to 3-4 months! It was getting worse. Our care group brother asked A if he would be ok about having the anointing oil used upon his foot. The former explained to him what the anointing oil is about - not a superstitious item but an outward manifestation of tangible blessings that we use in faith in Christ. He gave him NT scriptural references - the disciples used anointing oil even when Christ was around and after Christ was risen (Mark 6:13, James 5:14 for example). He also gave him the relevant CDs from pastor's recent sermons on the anointing oil. A agreed to try it out 1 or 2 days back. Yesterday afternoon, A called our care group brother and told him that he had started on physiotherapy. The doctor had also reduced the healing duration to 2 weeks! Praise God! His healing was expedited by four times! Hallelujah! Woo Hoo!

Personal testimony - Kae's HFMD scare and tummy pains (see an earlier post on my blog). The anointing oil got rid of all lying symptoms (ulcer and painful sore-like thing on his hand) and pain upon usage and we also took Holy Communion over Kaelen. He was perfectly fine when he awoke the next day. When I suffered from stomach discomfort, I drank a bit of anointing oil and after that I kept burping and burping until my stomach stopped hurting! I burned myself whilst cooking and applied anointing oil. My burned skin was perfectly ok after a short while!

So what does the anointing oil represent? (Scriptural references.)

  • Reminder of Christ's finished work
  • Honours God (saying we believe in His finished work) and Men (we set men apart for God when we anoint them).
  • The act of doing it is an act of faith in Christ. ( An outward demonstration of our faith in Christ)
  • Anointing of the Holy Spirit that protects us and aids us to receive divine enablement.
  • Declaration of Christ's Victory!
  • To be in Christ - we are smeared perpetually by the oil of gladness and goodness.

When Samuel anointed David, he was a ruddy face young boy, a shepherd. After the anointing, this is how he has been described in the bible -

  • skillful
  • prudent
  • brave
  • handsome
  • wise
  • bold
  • speaks forth wisdom

The anointing oil brought upon David divine grace, power and enablement. Anointing a king is equivalent to crowning him; in fact, in Israel a crown was not required. Anointing ourselves is reaffirming whose we are - we are the sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, crowned by the grace of Christ! More than conquerors in Jesus and reigning with Him at the right hand of the Father!

Psalm 92 talks about being anointed with "fresh oil". "Fresh oil" means a daily, continuous anointing. Ian and I anoint each other every morning - confessing every blessing of God over our day and our family and our lives. =D God is so good to us and loves us so much!

In fact, the title Christ/Messiah means literally covered in oil, Anointed!!

OT references to the anointing oil paints an image of Christ -

The holy anointing oil described in Exodus 30:22-25 was created from 500 shekels (about 6 kg) of myrrh, half as much (about 3 kg) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels (about 3 kg) of fragrant cane, 500 shekels (about 6kg) of cassia, and a hint (about 4 L) of olive oil.

Myrrh represents the sacred love of Christ (gospel of Matthew)

Cinnamon represents the fiery zeal of Jesus in serving the Father (gospel of Mark)

Cane represents integrity and righteousness of Christ (gospel of Luke)

Cassia represents worship and speaks of the Son of God (gospel of John)

Olive Oil represents Jesus's body that was crushed for our iniquities and also the Holy Spirit.

The oil was used to anoint the vessels of the Tabernacle in Exodus 30:26 and the High Priest, and is traditionally regarded as the oil used by prophets to anoint Saul, David, and other kings of ancient Israel.
Each vessel of the Tabernacle represented an organ of the body (see my previous post of Leviticus)- these organs also have further meanings and symbolisms. Our High Priest is Jesus Christ - the perfect High Priest. In OT, the success of the sacrifices offered to cleanse the people of their sins and bring about blessings depended on the High Priest. If the High Priest was not clean himself, he would die in the ark and the people would suffer for the period of time till the next High Priest made the next offering. We can depend on our High Priest perfectly so and we are greatly blessed because as He is in this world, so are we!

Other mentions of Anointing Oil or the act of anointing -

Oil was used also for medicinal purposes. It was applied to the sick, and also to wounds (Psalms 109:18; Isaiah 1:6).

The expression, "anoint the shield" (Isaiah 21:5), refers to the custom of rubbing oil on the leather of the shield so as to make it supple and fit for use in war.

It was the custom of the Jews in like manner to anoint themselves with oil, as a means of refreshing or invigorating their bodies (Deuteronomy 28:40; Ruth 3:3; 2 Samuel 14:2; Psalms 104:15, etc.).

I got this prayer from my Care Group Leader last night and it is copyrighted by New Creation Church (July 2008). Just sharing it with all of you. You can buy a bottle of olive oil, and pray over it in faith with these words...

Prayer For Anointing Oil

In the Name of the father, of the Son Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, I set this oil apart to be the holy anointing oil.

This oil is the holy anointing oil with the power to cast out demons and to heal the sick based on Mark 6:13 and James 5:14.

This is the anointing oil which sets us apart unto God and makes us more than conquerors and over comers.

This is the anointing oil which honours God and man, and brings Glory to Jesus Christ.

This is the anointing oil which gives us gladness and empowers us for service unto God.

This is the anointing oil which speaks of the finished work of Christ and gives us protection from all evil.

This is the anointing oil which blesses us and gives us complete victory in Jesus Christ.


I hope that you will be greatly blessed by the above testimonials, information and prayer as we have. All glory to Jesus! All glory to the many blessings of Jesus Christ and His most amazing grace. =)

A humorous end note:

The day that we were all asked to bring a bottle of olive oil to church for pastor to pray over, Carrefour ran out of olive oil and the pharmacies too!

I thought it was just a joke by our Pastor (who can be a real jokester =D ) until my care group member spoke about how she had gone to Carrefour and there was absolutely no olive oil left! Belonging to a blessed church with more than 20,000 members- our membership has grown from 15,000 in Dec to 17,000 in January and during that day when olive oil was prayed over, the membership hit over 20,000 - I am not surprised, because we are so well fed by the Word of God and the Grace of Christ Jesus here. =D Well, Carrefour must have felt exceptionally blessed that Sunday too and their cashiers must have been completely amused! In fact, the week after the olive oil sold out, Carrefour decided to put their house brand olive oil on sale. Ian was joking about how they might be puzzled as to why when the olive oil was not on sale, it flew off the shelves. And after it was put on sale, they did not. Lol.


  1. Hi Geri

    This is so 'strange'. My hubby's auntie from Melbourne just msned him today to ask us to pray for her son, Mic's cousin, as he had broken his ankle while playing soccer. Not only does Nick has to undergo an operation to insert 2 screws in it, their trip to NZ for skiing would have to be cancelled as well.

    I believe it's no coincidence you're sharing this testimony on your care group brother's friend. And I pray that Nick's ankle will be healed supernaturally thru the understanding of Jesus' finished work on the cross and healing brought thru the anointing oil that all around them may give praises & glory to Jesus!

    Keeping blogging for Jesus sister! :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Angie!


    There are no coincidences with God for sure! The care group brother's friend had 2 screws put in too!!! Wow. =D God is good all the time!

    Perhaps you can send the prayer to them to pray over whatever olive oil they can get hold of, to anoint and pray over Nick's ankle.

    We are believing in a miracle for him here and will take communion for him tomorrow morning =D

    God bless and stay in touch!

  4. When Pastor Prince first talked about the anointing oil being used in Tiberius Church, I was actually sceptical as I was concerned that the oil was used like an item of superstitution - eg. like using garlic to ward off evil in those vampire movies.

    However, after listening to Pastor Prince's sermons and all the verses he quoted with regards to the anointing oil, I now firmly believe in it and have decided (like what Pastor Prince said in his sermon) to be radical about it. I anoint myself and my stall with the oil every day. This act of anointing stirs up my faith and I now walk around confident, conscious that I am the anointed of the Lord (whereas previously, I had no such consciousness).

    I make it a point to take Holy Communion before using the oil because the verses quoted by Pastor Prince always mentioned the grain and the new wine together with the oil. I also want to remind myself that this is all about the finished work of Christ on the cross, and not slip into the superstition of treating the oil like some sort of magic potion.

    Thanks for your very well written and insightful post - it made very clear to me scripturally what I have already believed in my heart about the anointing oil.

    BTW, I am especially grateful for the anointing oil prayer that you posted. I was concerned that my bottle of anointing oil will be running out soon at the rate I am using!


  5. I think that is a wonderful sharing on taking communion prior to anointing. =)

    I was very happy to get the prayer from my Care Group Leader on Tuesday too. Dun worry your oil will never run out! =D

    Do you attend Care Group? Ian and I were a bit shy about it at first but we really enjoy the edification, the testimonials and the refresher on sermons that we enjoy at each CG meeting. =D

  6. Hi Geri

    Tks for your prayers. Have sent her the link to your entry after I posted the comment 2 days back.

    And Stanley, I had the same concerns before too! Looks like i'm not the only skeptical one :p

    Although I haven't heard the sermon on it yet, by reading the notes from NCC's bloggers and through the information i found on the net, I've been anointing my children & hubby with a better understanding. :)

  7. Hi Angie!

    Do let me know how Nick's ankle is k? =) By His stripes Nick's ankle is healed - amen!

    And amen also on your comments on anointing with understanding. It is important to always remember we anoint out of our faith in our faithful God. =D

    I've seen how, when I was Catholic, "religious items" are treated like talismans with power. =p We should always be mindful that our faith is not in the oil as an object, but in WHO, WHAT the oil represents - JESUS! =D

  8. Hi,

    How do i take holy communion in my private time? what do i prepare? what prayers should i say?

  9. Hi,

    I would like to no what can I use to take holy communion in my home? I don't no what to buy or what prayer to say either . Can some help me please.

  10. My hubby and I use a tiny piece of cracker or bread potato chip even during communion to rept the broken body of Christ. We use water to rept the blood of Christ. The issue is not what u use for communion but ur belief and understanding of why u partake in it. :) Remember the broken body speaks of Christ's perfect and finished work on the Cross. It talks of His victory for us in every area of our lives- our health, relationships, financial concerns. By His stripes, we are also healed of our every ailment. The blood reminds us of His perfect savlation that today we are the righteousness of Christ and thus the heirs to the promises of Abraham- every good blessing is ours today because we have the spirit of sonship through Jesus Christ. :D paratoing the communion in a worthy manner is knowing what the body and blood rept, knowing what Christ has won for you at the cross. The communion is a declaration of His victory for every area of your life!!! Amen.

  11. Hi, Daughter Of Sarah

    Thank You Very Much.

  12. Hi thanks for posting this as I was searching for some reference or guide on this. I recently bought pastor prince DVD on anointing oil but I have not finished it. Hope to finish it soon but thanks for sharing this.

    On communion (I just finished reading the book) ... Interesting on the preparation part. I always thought u needed grape juice to represent the blood but since you use water I guess that's also fine? As it's the underlying reasons for partaking is more important than anything else?

  13. Yup. :) It is not what u use that matters. It is what you believe and what u are celebrating that matters. We partake worthily by celebrating His finished work on the cross - how His body was broken so that we may experience wholeness & how He was cursed by hanging on a tree sonthat today we are blessed and not cursed; we celebrate how His blood was poured out for us so that we who were once scarlet are now as white as snow- forgiven of our sins past, present and future. :)

    There have been circumstances where people were in situations where they could not physically in communion buy partook in the Spirit- ie. They had no elements with them but there was urgent need to partake in it- so they celebrated the LORD's supper and the power of the Holy Communion still came through for them. The power is in the declaration of His death and victory on the Cross for us.

  14. hi daughter of sarah. thanks you so much for taking time to reply. i started communion today (before i went to work) and when i woke up this morning, my face was very puffy and sore on the lymphnodes (side effects from medication). I partook the holy communion and said the prayers as written in the book and I felt a sense of calmness thereafter and the soreness was gone! I'm going to take this regularly and continue praying that I will be healed of my condition! In the morning i took ribena and afternoon I took water .. haha :P

    Thank you once again!

  15. You're welcome! :) Praise Jesus! This is such a wonderful testimony! :D
    Keep in touch! ^__^!

  16. hi, i came across this while googling. can i ask, does NCC only allow baptised churchmembers to take part in communion? i do recall seeing during service the note that they invite "believers" to take but i also know of some churches which are quite strict in insisting that only baptised church goers take part.

  17. thank you. I have been believing God for something and looking for an outward, physical manifestation of His goodness!

  18. great testimony

    god bless

  19. Thank you so much for your testimonials on the use and power of the anointing oil. I was lifted in my belief

  20. Thank you so much. Pastor Joseph Prince is such a blessing to the body of Christ. I have been so blessed by the testimonies and I also have my own! To God be the glory! There's power in the blood of Jesus and in believing and resting on the finished work of the cross by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

  21. I am going home and anointing my apartment. My bed the pillows everything. I'm praying for healing for my marriage.


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