Choosing Our Thoughts

"Why are you troubled? And why do thoughts arise in your hearts?" -
Luke 24:38 (Jesus to His apostles)

Why were the disciples afraid? Where did the terror come from? It came
from thoughts they let into their heart.

These lying thoughts arose and created the tormenting fear.

We need to pull down our strongholds and cast down our thoughts which
produce wicked imaginations- see 2 Corinthians 10:4,5. We HAVE the
mind of CHRIST.

The secret of guarding our mind? David shares it in Psalms 101:3 and
19:14 - the thought life or meditation of our hearts should be
pleasing to God.

To enjoy the victory God's won for our life, we need to win that
battlefield of the mind. Thoughts can hold one like a vise and keep
one from the truth as long as you permit and accept them. Learn how to
reject in Christ thoughts that are not the will of God for you.

What's God's will for you? It's best summed up in Jeremiah 29:11. ;)

I also feel this is a good point- "The Bible is full of God's
thoughts. Replace every thought the devil tries to force on you with
one of God's thoughts." - John Osteen.

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