True kindness, a discussion- part one

Recently discussed with Stan about prayer and practicality- ie. Helping people out and not just paying lip service. It was an excellent sharing. Stan spoke about how besides praying for people, we should try to reach out and do something to help them too.

Well, today I was doing my morning reading when I came across how the word for "KIND" in Greek is "CHRESTOS".

Why is it important to know this? Because part of its definition is "useful", which denotes an action. See 1 John 3:18 NLT where we're challenged to walk our talk by the Apostles.

ONE- Taking action is not about flaming people or judging them. It's about words- words that heal. We're asked to edify and not rub salt or push buttons. We're asked to do things out of a Spirit of love not condemnation. A friend shared how she attended a church as a visitor once when this guy saw her holding a pack of cigs, grabbed it from her, crushed it and threw it into a bin. She was not even out to smoke. Whilst I understand what message the guy was trying to share- smoking is not right nor is it good, the means of sharing that message could be greatly improved. This lady was totally put off and had both the wrong impressions of Christians and the Church as a result. It took her some years before she realised not all Christians are, what she termed, "loony".
Kindness requires us to be tender hearted and compassionate. Perhaps a smile, intro, and wishing the person will one day quit the habit in Christ, sharing how people they know overcame the habit through leaving it at the foot of the cross, sharing Matthew 19:26... These might have helped more than being rude, angry and judgemental.

<<To be continued...>>


  1. Hi Geri,

    Peter Youngren latest blog talks about relating to the unchurch.

    Good read.

  2. Hi Jeff =D

    Yea I am aware. But I feel that some of the points we should even more apply to the saved because how can we who are saved condemn another one whom the master has extended His mercy too? Sadly, there has been a lot of mud slinging btw the grace and legalism camp. Whilst I am guilty of playing in the mud sometimes with everyone, I do see how we need to see through Heaven's eyes instead of our own.

    One thing I love about Youngren is his love for the people - unsaved and saved (but stuck in legalism) a like. It is not easy ministering to them but God has given them such a big heart and a gentle disposition. I hope we too can share in that same gift and anointing as we reach out to people - on our blogs, in our daily lives. That same patience, that same kindness that our Master had for His little ones. =D

  3. (BTW I put the Youngren article on FB last night =D I was so moved by it.)

  4. Dear Geri Beari,

    Agreed. I was gonna write about righteous indignation (but time doesn't allow me to sort out such a heavy topic...) because I think a lot of us go through that. At the same time, one of the struggles I personally feel is the lack of hard skill... knowing what exactly to do in such situations. I personally have not been in a lot of situations where people talk nicely with each other, act with grace, magnanimity and LOVE. It's like an unknown or forgotten language, or a language that actually has many powerful sides, but is not being fully utilized. (There is exhortation, but there is also rebuke in love.)So yes, vocabulary, be it literal or action-wise, seems to be sorely lacking. I think, just like where I'm coming from, it reveals what goes on on the inside, turmoil, wrong doctrine, bad seeds, confusion, condemnation... all of which are NOT of God. We are incredibly blessed to have Pastor's teachings that it's all about Jesus and in His light, we see light.



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