Grace and Faith - understanding what each is and how they work together

Andrew Wommack talks about how Grace and Faith compliment each other in his book "You've Already Got it! {so Quit Trying To Get It}". Jeff loaned it to me and it is such a good read. I think I'd like to go get a copy for myself next month or so when the blessings roll in. I can see how it will help me and help me help others understand many interesting issues, including what grace and faith is... 2 very complex issues that sometimes causes Christians to feel very divided about their opinions. Just read on to see what Wommack has to say in a short summary I have here -

We are saved by grace through faith (see Eph 2:8). It takes both not just one. =)

Grace is:

1) unmerited favour
2) something God did for you, independent of you.
3) it made the provision for our salvation some 2000 years ago before we were created, before we could even sin.
4) it is consistent - not based on our performance but on the faithfulness of God & he is no respector of persons (ie he does not play favourites).
5) It does not save us alone, it does not heal us by its own, it does not bless us - unless we receive it and mix it with FAITH.

What is Faith?

It is not something you do to twist God's arm.

It is not just abt confessing his Word- those are things we do out of faith.

Faith does not make God do anything more than He already is doing.

Faith is not God responding to something we do. That causes us to feel like we must perform and produce or else... =p

None of us can move God. Faith doesn't move God.

What faith is is this- our positive response to what God has already provided by grace.

If what we call faith is not a response to what God has already done, then it is not true Faith.

Faith does not try to get God to positively respond to you. It is our positive response, our good opinion of what He has done for us by grace.

Faith only appropriates what God has already provided by faith. If we are trying to do something hew, then it is not faith.

True faith reaches out, receives what God has already done.


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