You have Comeback Power - Joel Osteen (Transcript) Pt 2

Had to go through some dark times, some lonely nights; had to push some dirt out of the way; it seemed like it would never see bright day but it just kept pressing forward, and eventually it became everything God created it to be.

You need to get this deep down into your spirit today - no matter what comes against you in life, you are not buried, you are planted.

You may feel like, even now, that you've got dirt on top of you, you've had a tough time, something was unfair, doesn't look it's ever gonna change... but if you can just keep shaking off the dirt, shaking off the self-pity, shaking off the lies that are telling you, "It's over. You're done." Then you too can, like that little seed, will begin to feel the life of God spring forth. The same power that raised Christ from the dead is on the inside of each one of you.

That sickness will tell you, "You can't push me out of the way. I'm much bigger than you. I've got you buried." Don't believe that lie. Just say like that seed, "I'm coming back. I may be laying in the hospital right now, but this sickness is only temporary. This chemo might have taken my energy, my strength, my hair, but know this today- I've got comeback power. This is NOT the end. This is ONLY the beginning."

Or, "This addiction might have kept me back a long time, it might have kept my full potential from being realised, but I am not staying here. I know my chains are gone; I know who the Son sets free is free indeed. I am moving the dirt out and I am coming back."

Or how about this, "Business might be slow. I might have lost my biggest account but I know I'm not buried, I'm planted. I know God's got another victory in my future. I know my best days are still out in front of me."

I want you to have this new vision today- God will not let you go through more than you can handle. Now, if you have a big challenge today, it means that you have a big destiny. Extraordinary people face extraordinary difficulties, but the good news is we serve an Extraordinary God! He has you in the palm of His hands. In those tough times, you've got to draw a line in the sand and make a declaration - "This difficulty is not going to bury me. This loss, this disappointment, this injustice is not going to cause me to give up on my dreams. I refuse to live in self- pity. I know I am a seed. That means I can not be buried, I can only be planted. I may be down but it is only temporary. I know I'm not only coming back, I'm going to come back better off than I was before."

I heard a story about a farmer that had an old mule that had fallen into an empty well. It was about 40 or 50 feet deep. The farmer was really disappointed. He really loved this old mule, but when he surveyed this situation, he realised it was almost going to be impossible to rescue him- The well was very narrow and he was cramped at the bottom. He figured the mule was already very seriously injured. As much as he didn't want to, he decided the mule nor the well was worth saving. So he decided to fill the well with dirt and bury the old mule. He called some friends to help. They began to shovel the dirt in, one shovel-ful at a time. And when that old mule felt that dirt hit its back and he realised what they were going to do, instead of having a pity party, thinking too bad for me, he decided everytime he felt this dirt on his back, he would shake it off and step up, shake it off and step up. Time after time, no matter how tired he felt, he kept shaking it off and stepping up. Finally, after 2 or 3 hours of doing that, he was able to step over the wall of the well and walk out triumphantly to freedom!

What's interesting is the dirt that was meant to bury him, saved his life.

I am asking you today - when you feel the dirt hit your back, when life treats you unfair, when you through disappointments, don't let it bury you- SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP.

When the going gets tough, the tough have to get going; and the same dirt that is trying to use, could be the very dirt that God wants to use to promote you.

Your attitude should be - I may be down but I am not staying down. This difficulty was meant to destroy me, it was meant to harm me, but I know better. God is going to use it to my advantage. He's going to use it increase me.

Do you know the only difference between a piece of black coal and a priceless diamond is the amount of pressure its endured?

How you handle your adversities will make you or break you. If you get bitter and lose your enthusiasm, you will allow the difficulties of life bury you- They can keep you from your God-given destiny. But if you will choose to shake it off and step up, that means you keep pressing forward with a smile on your face; you know that God is in complete control, so you do the right thing even though the wrong things happen; Instead of complaining, you've got a report of victory. You go around saying, "This problem did not come to defeat me. It didn't come to stay, it came to pass." I have strength for everything I need. I am equipped. empowered, anointed; I am more than a conqueror."
When you do that, the seed of victory that is in your DNA will begin to be released and help you push the dirt out of the way, and you will blossom into the fullness of what God created you to be. You will go from a piece of coal, to a priceless diamond.

Just like what this young lady did. She was raised in a very difficult environment. Her father died when she was 6 years old, and not long after, her mother had to go on dialysis. Whilst other young ladies were out doing cheerleading and playing with their friends, she was at home taking care of her mother, helping to run the kidney machines. At 12 years old, she was the one that went grocery shopping. She cooked for the family. She took care of the little brother - got him dressed and ready for school. She even wrote the cheques for the Mum to pay for the bills each month. It looked like she was buried, it looked like that this disadvantage would keep her from her destiny, but understand just because you didn't get the same breaks or the same opportunities as somebody else doesn't mean that God doesn't still have something great for your future. This young lady knew she wasn';t buried, she was planted. Yes, it was difficult; Yes, it was unfortunate - but she just kept shaking it off and stepping up. In spite of the difficulties, she excelled in school. She got a full scholarship to college, she went on to get her Masters degree. Today she is extremely successful, she is happily married, has 3 beautiful children. She said, "Joel, I didn't really have the chance to have a childhood, I grew up so fast. But I can truly say that God has truly restored those years and paid me back for doing the right thing. I am happier and more fulfilled than I'd ever dreamed I could ever be."

What happened? Instead of having a vic-tomb mentality, she had a vic-tor mentality. God not only brought her out, but she saw her life blossom to the fullness of what God had in store.

Now I discovered that sometimes the things that we get discouraged about are the every things God is going to use to promote us. God doesn't send the storms, but He uses the storms. He will not allow a trial to come into your life unless He has a purpose for it.

When you are in difficult times, know that that challengewas not sent to destroy you, it was sent to promote you, to increase you, to strenghten you. You might not see how right now, but God has a way. Just like that little seed, God uses adversity to bring potential out of us that we didn't even know we had.

That's what happened to me. When my father went to be with the LORD in 1999, in a sense I felt like I had been buried. Outside of Victoria my father was my best friend, I'd work with him closely here at this ministry for 17 years; We travelled all over the world. When he died, it felt like the wind had been taken out of my sail. It was a struggle making some of the adjustments, but one thing that really helped me was down deep I knew that "this thing is not going to bury me, it's planting me and somehow, some way, God is going to use it for my good."

There were days when it didn't look like anything was ever going to work out; I had to do like David and I had to keep encouraging myself. I said, "God I know you're still on the throne. This loss is not a surpirse to you, but you still have something great for my future." And God is faithful; He not only brought me through that dark time, but that's when I discovered potential in me that I didn't even know I had. I didn't know I could stand up here and minister. The loss of my father was when my seed really blossomed. It was meant to destroy me, but God used it to increase me.

When you are in those dark times and you feel like you're being buried. Maybe you'd been through some kind of loss, you don't see anything bright in the future, feels like people are walking on top of ya, remember that there is a process taking place. Like that little seed, new growth is springing forth, new talent, new determination, new opportunities, new friendships - God is birthing something in you, greater than what you are right now.

You have to keep reminding yourself that "God is still on the throne, this is not the end, it is only the beginning. I've got comeback power in my DNA."

Friends don't live your life with a chip on your shoulder. Don't go around swelling about your disappointments- what didn't work out. Bitterness will keep your seed from taking root. Self-pity will hinder your growth. Condemnation, feeling like you don't deserve God's goodness, will limit how high you can go. Why don't you shake that off and step up in your faith?

Understand that the only difference between being buried and being planted is what you expect. if you expect that difficulty to be end of you and you give up on your dreams, even though you are a seed with the life of Almighty God, even though God's already planned your comeback, because of your own thinking it's not gonna happen. Now I've seen people who've gone through incredible challenges but right in the middle, they've got a smile on their face, they're hoping, believing, expecting. You know what they're saying? "God, I know I'm not buried. I'm planted and I can't wait to see what You're gonna do next. I can't wait to see the new doors that are gonna open, the new friends I'm gonna make. The new opportunities I'm going to encounter." If you'll stay in faith like that, your difficulties will lead you to a new fullness. You'll see God blossom your life in ways you'd never imagine.

This is what happened to Job - he went through a 9 month season where anything that could go wrong, went. He lost his business, lost his health, lost his family, it looked like he was buried, looked like God wasn't even concerned about him. It got so bad that his wife said, "Job just curse God and die." She was saying, "Job, it's over, it's done, just give up." It's funny but sometimes the people who should be encouraging us are doing just the opposite. Don't let anyone talk you out of your dreams. Don't let anyone convince you that you've been buried. Don't listen to the news report so long that you plan on having a defeated, down year. No. No matter what comes your way, it is not a surprise to God. It was not sent to bury you. It was sent to increase you.

You might not see how right now but God has a way. If you'll stay in faith, He will bring some kind of good out of it. Job was down, but Job was not out. If you read the end of the story, it tells us that Job came out with twice what he had before- He had twice the lifestock, twice the joy, twice the peace, twice the victory... God gave him double for that trouble.

When you're in tough times and everything that could go wrong does, you've got to dig your heels in and say "This attack was meant to destroy me but i've got inside information that it cannot bury me. It's only planting me. And I'm not only going to come out, I'm gonna come out like Job - with twice what I had before.

The scripture talks about in James how we should wait for God's promises like a farmer waits for his harvest. I've never seen a farmer plant a crop, then worry night and day if it's gonna come up. He doesn't lose sleep at night and say, "Please pray that my corn's gonna take root. Please pray that I'm gonna have a harvest." No. He waits with a knowing, with a confidence. In fact he doesn't neccessarily hope that it happens, he doesn't even have to believe that it will happen; He takes it one step further - he knows that his harvest is on its way. He's seen it happen time and time again.

And really it's not enough to just hope that your situation will turn around- "Joel, I hope I get well. I hope my child straightens up. I sure hope I'll make it through this slow time in the office. It doesn't look good." No. Start waiting like a farmer - wait with a knowing, wait with a confidence, not "if it's gonna happen" but "when it's gonna happen". Just like that farmer, he has planted, he's watered, he's fertilised, now he waits with a knowing.

Well, you have stood on God's promises. You have prayed, you have believed, you have watered your seed with your praises, now it is time to come over into this knowing. It's time to come into this unshakeable confidence. Somebody asks you, "You still think you're gonna get out of debt with the economy being as bad as it is?" Tell him, "I don't think so. I know so. It's just a matter of time."

"Well, you still think your child's gonna straighten up? He is as wild as he can be."
" No. I don't think so. I know so. As for me and my house we will serve the LORD."

"Well, you think you're really gonna get well? I've never seen you looking so bad." They msut be related to Job's wife. You tell 'em
"I don't think I'm gonna get well. I know I'm gonna get well. God is restoring health unto me."

How about this one?

"You really think you're gonna get married? You've been single so long. "
" I don't think so. I know so. God's bringing the right person into my life. He's bringing me divine connection."

You've gotta have an unshakeable confidence - just like you know the Sun's gonna come up in the morning, you know God's gonna bring about His promises. It may happen this afternoon, it may happen tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, 20 years from now, but you know that you know that you know just like that farmer, your harvest is on its way. You've seen God do it in the past, and you know He's going to do it again in your future.

He goes on to say that we should wait like Job. Isn't it interseting that of all the people God could have chosen, He chose Job to be that example? I believe it is significant. Job is the one who received double. God is saying - while your waiting on His promises, when the business is slow, when the medical report doesn't look good, don't just expect to come out the same. Don't just survive it. Expect to come out better off than you were before. Expect to come out like Job with twice what you have.

You know the words, "Get a bigger vision." Think about when you put a seed in the ground, it doesn't just come up and give you one more seed. It doesn't come up equal. If you plant an apple seed, it grows up to become a big tree. It gives you many more apples. It's multiplied over and over. That's what this is saying. We should wait with a confidence, with a knowing that " I'm not only coming out, I'm gonna come out multiplied, increased, in full blossom."

I know you may have some difficulties, but don't talk about your problems, talk about your God.

Scripture says - Let God arise and His enemies will be scattered. When you let God arise in your life. and you go out with this unshakeable confidence, your waiting for your harvest like that farmer, knowing that it's gonna be better than expected, you know down deep no difficulty can defeat you, no person can keep you from your destiny, every setback is only temporary. Instead of complaining, you are saying "I can't wait to see what God's gonna do." When you let God arise, you might as well get ready, your enemies WILL be scattered- Enemies of sickness, enemies of debt, enemies of depression, enemies of disappointment.

Let me ask you today, what are you letting arise? What are you lifting up?

"Ah Joel... Man, it's hard. I lost a lot of money in the stock market. My health doesn't look good. Somebody walked out of my relationship."

No. You're allowing the wrong things to arise. That's defeat, discouragement, self-pity. You need to turn it around. Say GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL.

Somebody may have walked out of a relationship, but I know God's gonna send me someone better; I maybe hurting right now but I know God's the restorer of my soul, He's giving me beauty for my ashes. I may have lost money in the stock market, but I'm not worried. God is my provider. He's supplying all of my needs. Somebody might have cheated me at a business deal. No big deal. God's my vindicator. He'll make my wrongs right. He's fighting my battles. I'm not buried. I'm planted.

When you let God arise you can't stay defeated, your enemies will be scattered.

I was thinking about Moses. As a young man, he had a desire to deliver the people of Israel but he got out of God's timing and he killed a man. He had to run for his life. He spent 40 years on the back side of the desert. Looked like he was buried. Looked like his dreams would never come to pass. The truth is - He wasn't buried, he was simply planted. He was coming back. Those dreams were still alive. Through all those years out there in the wilderness, he didn't get bitter, he didn't get discouraged. He still knew that God was in control. One day, when he was 80 years old, God came and said. "Moses, it's time for your comeback. It's time for you to blossom. I've got an assignment for you." Do you know the latter part of Moses's life was much greater than the first part?

Some of you today, you feel like Moses, like you've made too many mistakes. "Joel, this sounds good but I've missed so many opportunities." Listen! God wants the rest of your life to be the most fulfilling, the most rewarding. Those dreams that you once had, they didn' die. They're still alive on the inside. You may have made poor choices but it didn't bury you, it planted you. That means God's already arranged your comeback.

Now you've got to do your part and get your fire back. Quit living condemened, quit listening to the accuser, reminding you of everything you've done wrong. God knows every mistake that you've ever made. The moment you ask Him for forgiveness, He forgave you. The good news is - He didn't cancel your destiny, He didn't give away your assignment. You need to dig those heels in and say, "That's it. I'm not living condemened any more. If G0od gave Moses another chance, He'll give me another chance. This is a new day. I'm putting on a new attitude. I know I've not been buried. I've been planted."

Friends you have comeback power in your DNA. You've been created to overcome every obstacle, to rise above every challenge. I want you to have this confidence that no matter what comes against you, it cannot defeat you. As long as you're letting God arise, your enemies will be scattered. That same dirt that's trying to bury you can be the dirt God's gonna use to promote you. Learn to shake it off and step up. Remember in the tough times that loss, that disappointment, that injustice is not the end. It's a new beginning. Pull your shoulders back, hold your head up high. Dare to declare, "I'm coming back and I'm coming back better." If you do that, you're gonna come out like Job, with twice what you had before. Those difficulties are gonna give way to new growth, new potential, new talent, new friendships, new opportunities, new vision. You're gonna see God blossom your life in ways you'd never even dream of. Amen?

Did you receive it today?

We never like to close our broadcast without giving you the opportunity to make Jesus the LORD of your life.

Would you pray with me? Just say -

“LORD Jesus, I repent of my sins. Come into my heart. I make You my LORD and Saviour.”

Friends if you prayed that simple prayer, we believe that you got born again. Get into a good bible based church. Keep God first place. He's gonna do amazing things in your life.



  1. Hi Geri,

    I have to tell you this: Your sharing of words always seem to be for someone at the right place at the right time.

    For the last few days, I was busy and did not log in to your blog.

    On Thursday, same day as your post, I had a rough time. Wanted to log in and read your post as there was a nagging feeling that your post will encourage me. But I didn't.

    So now I am stating for the record: Thank you for posting this sermon "You have the Comeback Power" by Joel Osteen.


  2. Nice sermon about Jesus...oh wait.


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