On the Senior Pastor

A dude commented on Stan's page this quotation and as I read it, I saw how Pastor has died to self quite a bit on reflection. Interestingly the guy who quoted this is quite critical of PP. =D :

"Suppose you have been neglected or unforgiven. You sting with the hurt of the insult from such an oversight, but your heart is happy because you have been counted worthy to suffer for Christ. That is what dying to self is all about."

Pastor has many critics and some are angry that their church members have joined NCC from their orig church. There is a spirit of unforgiveness that such an exodus has taken place. Despite Pastor never pulling these people over but these people felt a push within their spirit to leave their church because they feel NCC ministers to them better. Pastor has said no one church is better than another, and yet people always say that he says otherwise. It must hurt to be accused of something that is not your fault.

"When your wishes are crossed, your advice disregarded, and your opinions ridiculed, and yet you refuse to let anger rise in your heart or try to defend yourself, you are practicing dying to self."

When PP submitted his requests time and time again for the pay to be stopped and his council persisted and disregarded his advice, he did not get angry. He expressed his disappointment lovingly. His opionions are often ridiculed by other Christians but he never defends himself, always choosing to let Jesus be his advocate in every matter. He even asks church members to never mind dun need to defend him coz Jesus will do a better job of it.
"When you lovingly and patiently stand face to face with folly and spiritual insensitivity, and endure it as Jesus did, you have died to self."

" When you are content with any food, money, clothing, climate, society, solitude, or interruption by the will of God, you have died to self."

When he flies overseas and leaves his family behind, he obeys God's will. He flies overseas a lot you know and it is not easy on the family. Ian flies overseas much lesser but even I feel very saddened whenever he is not around in the home. He died to self to serve in that manner. He was willing to forego his pay out of obedience to the Holy Spirit, and when he is overseas people talk about how he doesn't eat lavish food but eats simply- bringing his own 3-in-1 kopi mix even. And he does not spend on his makan from church acc it not wrong. He also obeys God when he has prepared a sermon for the whole week and God stops him and asks him to now preach the rhema word in a different area. It is additional preparation time but he does it.

" When you never care to refer to yourself in conversation, record your own good works, or desire commendation from others, you are dying to self."

He always exalts Jesus first reminded Church it is not him, but Jesus who saves, who inspires the sermons. It is all of Christ none of himself. He always gives the glory to Jesus and never claims it for his own or says that it is of his own wisdom. He never does things to get praise - he never boasts of his earnings, his good works... He never takes record of how much he gave the church. If anything it is the church elders who took record and reported it out to show that the Senior Pastor does not what he preaches. Everytime they do things like that people say he broadcast it or when the church's offering collection of One North was revealed, claim that our church boasted to the media - but it is not true. PP never discussed abt his pay because he never saw it as impt to disclose, he had nothing to hide and he did not want people to be stumbled & think he is boastful. And the church never approach the media, the media gets wind and blows it up =pp

" When you can honestly rejoice with a brother who has prospered and had his needs met, and never feel any envy though your needs are greater and still unmet, you have practiced dying to self."

This is more relevant to us who walk our faith walk in Christ in NCC. =) And the pastors in the beginning started the church in a small 3 room flat, sure they saw other big churches but they rejoiced for them. When NCC also got big, they still rejoice for other bigger churches, other pastors and servants of God and rejoice for the smaller churches too - remembering how they struggled, they really sow to small churches, to churches here and overseas to help them grow. No envy or jealousy.

" When you can receive correction and reproof from one of less stature than yourself, and humbly admit he's right with no resentment or rebellion in your heart, you have died to self. Are you dead yet?"

He has shared how sometimes when he and his wife have a difference in opinion and all, he later realises on hindsight she was able to see a situation clearly and admits she was right. Not every husband is able to admit their wife is right sometimes or are humble enough to admit it, to apologise or even to tell his congregation about it.

He was also humble enough to stand on stage to share about his struggles and embarrasment that people blew the pay issue up in the media. He was very open, very sincere and that is one thing NCC-ers know about him, he is him on that stage and off that stage. He doesn't pretend to be someone else and he is a straight talker.

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