My 5 cents worth on the Pastor Rony Tan fiasco

All u have to do is to reflect the love of Christ for souls to be touched. Christ doesn't need us to pelt stones at people to give Him an edge. He clearly commanded us to love our neighbours back to Him, not promote eye for an eye mentality.

We are to do things in a way naysayers won't have ammo to defame Christ with.

All this talk of "no apologies" remind me of Peter's cutting off the enemy soldier's ears. Jesus healed that ear back in place! And that gesture of love prob spoke more to those there about who Christ is than Peter's impulsive action!!

And when John asked Christ if they should pray for fire to rain down on a village that didn't welcome Him, Christ rebuked them saying they know what Spirit they are of.

Let us have the grace and wisdom to admit one of our own had unwisely acted in a manner that misrepresents Christ's true heart. And let's, as a body, apologise graciously and move on to sow seeds of unconditional love and grace to reflect the heart of Jesus in our lives and those of the lives around us.

Make no mistake, I do not compromise on my belief but I don't agree with the manner the leader in question carried out matters. The end does not justify the means.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch


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