Spidey, Newton, Grace & Rest

I was reading Strazynski's AMAZING SPIDER MAN earlier on and well, although the comic has a sucky ending, I found something really awesome to think about.

I haven't thought about Physics in a long while (sorry teachers) but well, thanks to Peter Parker's musing, I was brought to look at this good old Physics principle-

"An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by a force."

How does this apply to my life?

Well I believe in life, things are propelled forward either by the light of Christ or by the darkness of the fallen world. These are the two forces that drive people forward in their lives either to eventual victory or eventual destruction based on their person decisions.

Before Christ, I was this ball of mess (think seriously tangled ball of yarn) propelled forward by depression, anger, fear, disappointments...

I was definitely an object in motion alright- think runaway train, breakneck speed hurtling towards a brick wall. And I was staying in motion with the same destructive speed and in the same destructive direction.

Then Christ entered my life again when I became a single, unwed mum. That was the force that Life and life more abundantly that propelled me off that path.

It was my Damascus moment. Paul became blind to see. Geri became a mum to have back her child-like faith.

Now most people like to call an unplanned pregnancy an accident. As much as I did not plan getting preggers out of wedlock, I see my son as more of a planned blessing from above than an accidental bomb. I made decisions that I am not proud of that led me there, but God is so gracious to take what is meant to stumble and turn it into a blessing. :)

I had become an angsty, jaded monster inside struggling to be something else outside. I wanted love and I sought it in all the wrong places. I wanted to belong to someone, anyone. I had a blackhole inside that wanted go be filled. However, nothing on Earth can fill a God-sized void.

Having an extraordinary 7 year old has helped me to see faith in a childlike way. He has a way of putting to words his understanding of what faith, grace, trust and the battlefield of the mind is. (Please see my older notes or blogs for past shadings.)

Being a mum has stopped me from being full of self. I was full of self-pity, self-destruction, selfish notions. I suddenly had to place a little life big with joy above all my old fears, suicidal thoughts, anger towards life. I stopped cussing like a sailor, I became more responsible, I stopped mulling. I experienced a change in the way I looked at the future.

When Ian entered my life- first as a friend and then as a boyfriend- I had already begun to let go and let God. Ian's presence opened a new chapter in my life as I came to lose religion to gain new relationships- with Christ, as well as with him. I came to see the Word not as printed text but living, breathing Word. I came to see the truth of what it means to be in Christ. This new sight propelled me even more into a deeper relationship and closer walk with Christ.

Sure, there were struggles within and without at first as the old had to give way to the new, as I became a new wineskon filled with new wine. I poured away the old wine as I came to know what I have become in Jesus.

All these new forces that guided me towards the right direction in my life stemmed from one source- Grace.

So what am I now?

I am an object at rest. Having come to know grace, I have come to know a shalom that the world cannot give... a shalom wholeness, contentment, health, prosperity and peace I have never known before. My mind is sound, my heart refreshed, my soul is whole and my spirit is filled with so much Life!

An object at rest tends to stay at rest.

Sure the devil tries to apply external forces to get me to go off track, but this new wineskin and new wine is light with joy yet firmly founded and filled with unconditional love. And these keep me from going off course because no force can be greater than the pull of His love, His grace, and His shalom.

I am at rest physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And I am going to remain at rest because I stand on a firm foundation- my Christ Jesus, my Yeshua, my Saviour King.

Praise the LORD God ALL-mighty!! Amen.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch


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