21/0/2013 Sermon notes - Ps Joseph Primce, New Creation Church

Sister served time in prison and started work with no guarantee of a perm job after her contract. She started attending New Crea. Received word she had gotten the full time position. But the company HR initially rejected her but they later accepted her on a probation & her pay is 23% higher than her part time contract pay.

A brother from Virginia was saved since 7yo but never led a good Christian life. Gave up. Later watched PP's sermon. Wondered why he had not received healing in lower right back. Just then, PP said healing happening for someone w pain in lower right back! He received the healing right there and then. No more pain. Note video not live but healing took place.

---- sermon starts

God wants you healed more than you want to be healed. Loves that we are healed. Jesus ministry- healed all who were oppressed by the devil. Sickness is oppression. If u seen me, u have seen the Father. Jesus healed all. God wants all healed too. The thought God wants me well= path to healing. Some warped messages out there about healing. Know God wants u well.

Job has been the centre of PP's message lately. PP is a broken man who has seen the truths book of Job has shown him. Not in a bad way but astounded by how good God is.

Job is largely a conversation. What is God doing? Is God behind my affliction and trial? Is it because of my failure? How is Satan involved in this?

Job is one of the three wisdom books of the Bible.

Written in prose but not English poetry. Not focused on rhyming but Hebrew poetry where truth is prominent.

Proverbs- 2 lines. Both either are similar in meaning or tow contrast the truth and what isn't.

Job's trial lasted 9m. Only 9m. Many think it was longer due to the 42 chapt.

Job was not a sinner. He was a believer. Made righteous by His blood.

Job 1:1-3

Job was blameless and upright. When Satan accused Job and God, said Job had a hedge of protection.

Job was great in prosperity. (V3)

Satan said remove that hedge and see if he will still praise u.

It wasn't just Job's fear that brought him into the situation. God is not a God of no choice. There was an amount of protection.

Don't worry. Won't happen to us. Devil can't go to heaven anymore. Job wished there was a mediator w power of God to stand btw Heaven and Earth. Job didn't have Jesus. We have! God looks to spare us, to give us mercy and kindness and compassion. But he is also a God of justice. Anarchy will reign if God isn't just. But God is love and doesn't want us punished, but He is just and has to punish sins. Long before Adam sinned, God knew Jesus was already ready to die in our stead. John 3:16- salvation John 3:17- recall that! Not to condemn but to save. We should not condemn today.

Jesus intercedes for us.

Satan was in heaven amongst the angels when he challenged God. God's purpose isn't destruction. When he allows certain things to happen, it is not to teach us a lesson. He isn't the kind of Dad that will let car to run across kid's legs so that he learns a lesson.

God allowed Satan to affect only some areas pertaining to self-righteous.

Child training. God trains us with the Word. But those not yet i the Word, learn through circumstances. Disappointments until they are no longer self reliant and reliant on God.

Moab is described as a washboard. When Israel is puffed up, Moab would attack. Your colleagues may be your washboard; if u are v impatient u find yourself behind a slow car= washboard. Accidents and disease is not God's way of training.

A lot of sufferings of Job cannot happen to us because Satan has no access to Heaven. Jesus cleansed the heavenly places with his blood. God told PP when Pp asked why heaven needs cleaning, that Satan had defiled heaven. God gave Adam the spot to come to him at any time, but Adam sinned and gave up that spot to God. So Satan had access to heaven to accuse mankind. But now, he can't access that spot anymore because of Jesus' victory on the Cross. :)

Job's friends = miserable comforters. Advised him then started blaming him. Learn what not to preach or share to further strengthen their self-righteousness. Learn how not to comfort people like these friends.

Blow after blow struck Job- lost property and his kids, then boils from foot to hip (healing is from head to the feet). Disease is from below/ hell. Healing is from above/ heaven.

Job wrongly declared that God gives and takes away. Statement in the bible but not a truth. Some of Job's friends applied truth but misapplied truth.

Job's friend were genuine. Eliphad, Bildad, Zophar. When they were mentioned, Satan not mentioned anymore because they made accusations

Job 4:7-9
Eliphaz wrongly accused Job. He argued from experience (represents this) but wrongly applied to Job.

Eg "I have never seen cases like yours before, from my experience." "People usually lose a baby because of sin, not saying you. But from my experience." :(

Experience is not the Teacher. This holy book is. Don't need to grow old and grow experienced to be wise.

Job 8:8-13

Inquire of former age... Discovered by the fathers... Can the Papyrus grow without the marsh? You have all these sufferings because there is a marsh (sin) somewhere.

Argues from tradition.

No wonder Satan could take a nap because these three were doing a good job making false accusations.

Pastor Prince went to an all night prayer meeting when he was younger. The pastor there said the rest all would go work the next day, and the rest had to go work next day. Pastor did not agree with it. It is not our church tradition. But we don't accuse each other because of our different church traditions.

Eg. of things we don't give grief others over - Celebrating Christmas. Some do. Some don't. Some think it is related to pagan worship. Some choose to see Jesus worshipped. Don't condemn each other.

Job 11:13-20

Zophar - Legality. Legalism.

This is not the truth we can use to help people.

Similar btw the three - something is wrong with you.

Root none of them addressed. What caused Job to rise up in self-righteousness? Legalism. Makes them angry and defensive.

Someone is wrong. I am always right. It cannot be me. It must be the govt, the family member...

Sometimes they even condemn God that they might be justified. They say the Bible is wrong, we are modern now.

Before scientists said the world is round, in the book of Job (Job is before Abraham or Moses) c25- says God hangs the earth upon nothing.

Many of the things they say are scientific truths God has allowed to be recorded for us.

Another record of condensation long before Science discovered it. Long before finger printing was used, a few centuries ago, Job states how we have individual finger prints.
Blood letting was practiced then stopped because not right. Bible says blood goes out, life goes out. If only they knew then.

People think the bible is fanciful and imaginative. Last time things happen in Jerusalem and somewhere else cannot see. Now can.

Self-righteousness is so subtle, you might not realise when you get steeped in it.

Job 16, 19:1-6----> Job got to a place of self righteousness. Declared God has wronged him.

Read Chapt 29--- never seen a man more full of himself. Job was justifying himself, self-focused. Referred to self more than 40times. OT's Romans 7. Only mentioned God 5 times. Job was really a do gooder. Not the problem. Problem is he valued himself through these, made the deeds his credentials. If u ask him to serve today, prob only wanna serve as a Benefactor. Ego.

Bible says we will have to suffer for Jesus' name- only suffering. If u did wrong, that's not persecution if u are being punished. U can go to God, surrender and declare who u are in Christ.

1Jn1:9 is not to make yourself right with God. We can wrongly turn 1Jn1:9 into a form of self righteousness.

God wants u to come before him just as you are. Today we are his sons and daughters, Righteousness of God in Christ.
U still have your flesh. Albeit being a new creation. Your righteousness is not apart from Jesus. Wisdom is Him. Righteousness is Him. What is your emphasis? Jesus or you?

If u stand before God and Jesus is your justifier you cannot be lost.

Job 32:1-9 Elihu son of Barachel

If God has called u, u know when to wait.

At age of 12, Jesus didn't preach to the teachers. He asked questions and they answered but bus questions astounded them.

You can have a truth but the truth preached out of season, is best not shared yet. There is a timing for everything.

Elihu- spoke for God.

33:23 - spoke about the ONE MAN who speaks about the grace of God and God's uprightness. Emphasis on God. No man.

V24- "ransom" = atonement. If u find a ransom, can it be good? But if God finds a ransom, it is perfect. Not about does the Cross satisfy me but does the Cross satisfy Him?

God's holiness is emphasised in the Cross. God is righteous to make us righteous. The holiness of God is on our side because Jesus made it so and God was the one who sent Him.

God's love wants to justify us because Jesus died in our place. Righteousness and peace met at the Cross. Grace is not a compromise. Devil doesn't understand grace. Understands the law.

Devil always fights but loses but he still fights. The very thing he did was the basis for the pronouncement of his ruin. The very place he attacks, that place blossoms because of Grace.

Peter instead of faith failing, became a pillar to strengthen his brothers. The Cross, he thought was the end to all of Jesus' work, had he known better, would see Cross was where the work was perfect and finished.

42- come to place of victory.

Hebrew = 40 years of wilderness but reached the promise land after 42 stations.

Job 33:25- let my flesh be young like a child and we shall return to the days of our youth. Amen.

When Elihu spoke for God, Job stopped speaking. Because God's righteousness magnified.

After Elihu spoke, God spoke. Amazing chapter of scientific Accuracies and beautiful creation.

Southern Cross in the sky- guides lost soldiers home. The cross leads us home.

Our SINGAPOREAN FLAG has 5 stars (grace), and red representing His blood that washes us white as snow. :)

No man can judge God. He is always right. He doesn't have to apologise. He never mistakes. He is compassionate. Doesn't have to repent or backtrack. U and I are a different deal.

Unbelief is having a high opinion of what u believe and a low opinion of what God says. Condemns God. Justifies self. Hideous to God.

Faith gives glory to God.

James 5:11

The LORD is very compassionate and merciful. Although he did not afflict Job, restored him

Job 42:5- Job had a r/s with God but second hand relationship. Heard preaching of God. But through the trials, he came to see God. When I experience God, I see all that I am and have is because of His goodness. Without u I am nothing and have nothing. Live life seeing His blessing.

Who am I to justify myself and condemn God? I am nothing. Apart from you I have nothing. = right abhorring of self.

U will feel so rich and no longer fear future.

And the LORD restored Job's losses--- twice as much as before.

Even when your friends are wrong and come to you, don't add to the wrong by propagating the wrong. God restored his losses when he prayed for his friends. Lifted out of self.

God doesn't just bless w qty. Even when we go through trial because of our own stupidity, he still is compassionate to make sure we are better off later than when we were before. See the good endings.

Beauty is part of the category of the restoration and blessing. If beauty is wrong, God won't bless Job's daughters with beauty. Not just physical beauty but inner beauty, favour and charisma.

Job lived 140y more after the blessing. Died old and FULL of satisfying (not evil) days.

God I am nothing without you. Who am I acting like someone when I am no one? What I have is all of you! Skip the 42 chapter journey of Job to get to this realisation Job had at the end. :)

Recall Prayer of Jabez.

You don't know how self-righteousness u are? Symptoms
- impatient with others, but see self v humble and others at fault.

Fear also self-righteousness manifestation. Job feared his sons might have sinned, but not himself. Eg like us saying wow this sermon is good for someone else but not seeing it is good for u too!

Job was fearful. But after restoration, no more record of fearful. Looked at them w adoration.

Removal of self righteousness= removal of fear.

Marriage is series of saying sorry. Thank God u have a spouse or a child. Some people complain about their husbands and kids but there are those who are fasting and praying for a spouse or a child.

God always confirms the word that is preached with signs and wonders. God will touch our skin and make it fresh, restore our losses.

Tell God- This is not a cliche God, but truly I am nothing without you. Even righteousness is a gift. Always a gift. Help me be patient with others. This ability to see answers to solution first came from you. Give me wisdom and largeness of heart. Strip yourself of pride of church or numbers. Both riches and honour come from U, Jesus. No such thing as self made man. Behind it all, God is the source. Don't be a rich poor man. Even my health. Thank U Lord u are the life and length of my days.

Thank U Jesus is the ransom and atonement for my sin.

What Judge loves the offender enough to take his place in punishment and to that all he has (estate and inheritance) to the criminal? That is how much God loves us. He is our justifier when we acknowledge we are sinners. When we say we don't need him. We are judged. And if we are justified, we will not be lost.

You truly love me. And you gave Jesus to die on the Cross as the lamb of God to take away all my sins. When you justify, who can condemn?


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