7/7/2013 Sermon Notes - Pastor Joseph Prince

Contingency 10.7m
Savings provisional sum 19.3m
Land cost 69m
Consultant 42
Main contract 349m
From fellow NCCer’s note:
Star original budget $500 million
Budget savings $30 million
Revised Budget $470 million
Funds Raised so far $408+ million
Just less than $62 million to fully paid

Today we let the LORD serve us as we receive from Him
Forget not the benefits we have through Jesus.
Plan, purpose, calling, destiny- no one comes on his own.
God didn’t come w a condition. Loving them unconditionally they will respond- what he believes. I’ll take your shame and you take my glory. I take that crown of thorn (thoughts that trouble you) and you take my crown of peace. The more u try to find your approval from people, u will go around in circles. Don’t let men’s praise elate u or their criticisms crush u- look to Jesus.
Girl w torn tendon that doc said will not completely heal. Usually her toe would hurt but after Ps Prince prayed over it, her toe no longer hurt.
Doc told girl that she needs to go see a specialist because left ear was blocked. Can’t hear. After P&W, her ears were suddenly ok.
——> above from Legacy camp excerpts
It is the Benjamin Generation day - youth day.
Expose the young to Jesus. They are turned off by religion but not turned off by Jesus. Religious were theological accurate but missed the author and finisher. Didn’t like that people wouldn’t go through them to get to Jesus.
Jesus would be touching the sick and healing them, made God so real and so accessible w the diff that people didn’t have to qualify themselves first to have access.
When Jesus died there wasn’t a Christian. He died for sinners and not Christians. The whole world was lost. Come as u are. Don’t have to clean first. Or else like coming to a shower after u clean yourself. :p
Even if u have a chronic habit u can’t break, come as u are. Don’t have to pretend. He really loves you. Jesus love can not be explained.
Source is the one doing the loving, not how loveable we are. Practice His presence every day and allow Him to love you. Our God is so rich and has so many blessings. Love can be pained and grieved. When u open your hearts and arms, u can be hurt. He would rather be hurt by loving than to never love and be hurt. The latter u will still be hurt and it will be worse. Let God love u and bless u. People are so busy fending and defending for themselves. So self occupied. He looks for someone who will look to Jesus. A world where the rat race is never ending. Sit back, rest, look to Jesus and find yourself ahead of the pack.
A lot of ants are trying to cross the expressway. One allows u to pick it up and cross the overhead bridge.
Rest in His power that brings u to the other side
Every ministry has a specific call
John 1:17
Law given through Moses, servant of God
True Grace through the Son of God
Servant won’t abide in the house forever unlike the Son yet so many hold on to the law, and not to grace. Many still fight for the law n declare that there are still things to fulfil. But every detail and law has been fulfilled in Jesus
Simeon blessed the parents (Mary n John) but not The Son. The latter can not bless the greater.
Shemah- summary of all the laws—- HEAR. Greatest commandment. Simeon name- root is Shemah. The law was glad grace came. My eyes have seen your Yeshua. The law said “let me depart in peace". Simeon left and Hannah came in- her name means ‘grace’. Hannah (grace) entered when Simeon (the law) left. And no record she left. Asked people to come see the baby.
The first miracle of Moses was a judgment. Turning the water of Nile into blood. Death. First miracle of Jesus was turning water into wine- celebration of life.
Moses is a type of Christ but his ministry is a type of the Law. That is why he couldn’t bring people into the promise land. That rested w Joshua (Yeshua, grace).
God doesn’t want us to be delivered out of darkness only but into His inheritance. A lot of wandering people holding back and following the law but law is already passed away.
Arise and bring the people beyond Jordan. Are we ready for grace?
Numbers 5:1-3 
V2 under law God is saying u are left to your human effort. All about human strength and effort. What a huge mistake of Israel to say the LORD commands they can fulfil it. Pride and self-righteousness.
God never judged the people as they came out of Egypt the murmured but once pass through Sinai, would fall dead.
It’s like stubborn elderly man who go for operation and refuse to take the medication given by the doc. And only succumb when they are in trouble. That’s why God has to bring us to the end of ourselves. As long as we think we can, we aren’t ready for a saviour. Only when a drowning person gives up, then can he be held and saved.
Under law is DO DO DO
Under grace is D-O-N-E
The law looks at the all inclusiveness and everyone is DISQUALIFIED. Whoever is defiled is left outside the camp, both genders have a place of subjection because of curse in Eden.
Under grace no male or female or inequality, there is function. The CEO is no less than his employees. There is a role to play.
Law is strict and complete. None is left out.
Leperosy is a type of sin. Passive unclean-ness. Doesn’t do the sin but it is there in his heart.
Ps had a classmate who was v lively. When they came back from Sch hop and told the friend had passed away. Hole in the heart. Outwardly full of life, but inward was ill.
Passive sin- u look good outside but God knows what the problem is inside.
Discharge - active sin.
Eg. People who are profane and speaks uncleaness and speaks damage or assassinate people’s character etc
Corpse- sin by association
No one escapes. The law disqualifies everybody
But when Jesus came, He cleansed the leper, the woman with the discharge, He raised the dead. Grace comes, meets your disqualification and qualifies you.
A lot of people think grace is less than the law. BUT expose sick to Jesus, he heals. Expose the dead, they live. Grace reigns!!
We need to be afraid of our shortcomings and we can expose them to Jesus to be healed; they come to a standstill and cannot function anymore. No one dies in Jesus presence and the dead in the presence of His life, is no longer dead. Resurrection and life is in Jesus. Life imparting. Wholeness, makes u well, raises ur dead circumstances.
If U want to live by law, u are under the law. It stands as a whole or doesn’t stand at all. Either wholly under law or wholly under grace.
Leperosy doesn’t just kill u but those around u
Jesus became a man of sorrow ONCE on the cross so we can have joy so we can have strength and be full. He rejoices over us w singing.
Ps shares how Justin laughs and he is happy. He is imperfect but enjoys listening to the chuckle of his kid. When our loved ones are happy, we are happy. So when our joy is full, God is happy!
Wherever Jesus went, He brought joy!
SERMON ON THE MOUNT (beautiful attitudes - beatitudes)
It is a beautiful place. Ps and his pastors went to the mount and the acoustics are so good. Speak don’t need to shout and the sound travels.
Matthew 8:1-4
The last time they were there something dawned on him. They went there and he had to umm pee and find a toilet. There was none so he went to the banana plantation to find a discreet place to do so.
Ps got caught in the beauty of the place and he could see Capernum- he walked away from multitudes so they had to follow Him. That is where the leper met him. There were tall slabs of stone. Ps felt the leper must have been hiding there. The leper was hiding from the multitude. Jesus had to move fat to get to him before the crowds came or they would stone him. And where Ps was standing he could hear the other pastors laughing at the mount. The leper must have heard the sermon on the mount. He heard about a loving God, not the angry or fierce God. Pictures a bird flies and lands near leper. Not bothered by his illness. And he hears about how he is more precious than a bird. Hears about the lilies and how if put trust in God he would be clothed from within out - better than Solomon.

God gives revelation at all times. Lol. When when Ps had to go pee. Tells us many people find the best time to read, is in the loo. Lol. Don’t worry God won’t be offended if u are on the white throne. We are under grace. Can receive at any time. The bible is precious but must read it not just revere it by keeping it clean and on the shelf. Faith becomes effortless when u read it. U think u are reading the Word but the Word is reading u.
Ok to go bible school but don’t go there to become a Pharisee. See Jesus in the Word
There was a farm boy who asked his dad a question. He had been sent to go get water from a stream w a basket to water the plants. By the time he walks back to the plantation, the water was all gone. The dad sent him repeatedly to do the same task. What is the point of bringing the basket that way. Dad says to see that the basket has become clean. The word goes through us and the water of the HS cleans us.
‘clean’ - didn’t doubt God has power but whether He would use His power on his behalf. Jesus touched the leper and humanise him. God knows how long this man has not felt a human touch. First thing Jesus did, He touched him. Touch the unclean becomes unclean. Leper had nothing to give back. He does it out of love because He is good. Jesus remained undefiled but the leper was cleansed! Grace is greater than uncleaness, swallowed it. Righteousness and healing is contagious in grace opposed to uncleaness and sickness is contagious under law. Jesus moved w COMPASSION - whenever u hear moving by compassion it is always the LORD. Not to show off. He told the leper not to tell anyone even.
Jesus is still the same today as He was ytdy. All the things that don’t measure up in your life will dissipate when include Him in your life. Jesus never gives a gift apart from Him. So as we dwell in Him, we will receive.
When Solomon worshipped idols, the wisdom stopped.
Practice His love, His presence. We come to a place sometimes when we say all the right things theologically but our response gives us away. Do u get slighted easily? Ask people if they know who u are? But do u know who u are?? Without Him we are nothing. We can do nothing.
We didn’t have family once. We had nothing. The LORD was with Joseph when he had nothing with him but God said he was a successful man. The LORD is with you makes u a successful man. The trappings came later. He had nothing at first.
Even in churches we have ego battles. God told Job he had nothin without him even as Job spoke about all he said. Personal revelation- I heard about u but now I see u. It is not about me. It is about you. I abhor myself. And right away, Job found restoration.
Some people say Jesus saved me but inside heart “I wasn’t so bad when he saved me. I was 70% good. Saved 30% of me." So understanding or revelation is 30%.
U complain and God goes “Ok…another lap around the mountain" because still not seeing the provision. Let us study what Job found out in the end and get there. He saw the undeserved favour of God.
Saying grace over food is feeling God’s love for us.
Thou shalt not muzzle the ox- OT
Not talking about animals but those in full time ministry but also don’t manipulate and take advantage of God’s people. Receive from God.
Lord, I am so blessed and rich because of my beautiful wife and kids. I don’t deserve all the things I have. I am so blessed. And Serbia the wellspring of praise flows in u.
If the LORD is in those word, it sticks. Give Jesus the validation power. Not to the mere mortals. The things they say fall to the ground.
Don’t care about people’s validation. Go after Jesus. Don’t follow your tail (validation, move in circles), let the validation follow after u (move ahead).
Lev 14:1-7
‘He shall be brought’ - by the HS. Not you find the LORD, The LORD isn’t lost. The LORD found you.
The Priest left His camp to find the leper. If Jesus did not come, we would not be saved.
Priest in this passage can only examine the leper, can’t heal him. No one under the law came to the Priest and got healed.
Namaan was a gentile. Elisha couldn’t touch him to heal him- gave the word of the LORD to him. If Elisha touched him, he would become unclean too. Namaam dipped 7x in the water of the river Jordan and was healed- skin became fresher than a child’s.
In everything, Christ has a preeminence. Elisha stood far away. Jesus came close and touched.
God was waiting for grace to come. Leper went to the priest to testify the messiah was come. 15 centuries no one was healed.
Law leaves u to work it out on your son before u come to God. Grace says come to me first and you will be able to walk it out.
Ritual- in the law (see Jesus)
Bring 2 birds- from Heaven. Aspect of his death and resurrection. One bird is killed. The living bird is dipped in the blood of dead bird. And bird blood sprinkled seven times on leper. Leper is cleansed. Bird with blood left alive and flies away.
Priest can only examine and declare cleanse. Cannot heal. Jesus can cleanse and heal in one fell swoop. As a priest he cleansed and as a king he declared healing. :D
Leper brought the two birds as a gift. Not as a sacrifice. Jesus already cleansed and healed.
The king uses his decree to heal, declare, deliver. This is our King. Our LORD Jesus. How He loves us so!
Cleansing of the leper is the first miracle of healing recorded in Matthew. Commands disease out of your body. Uses power to bring blessing into our life.
People praising the King and singing “Hosanna to the highest!", not the donkey. Let the Sheep see the Shepherd.
Naturally, not just divinely, his human family blood line comes from King David.
He was uncommon amongst common people. He doesn’t need us to pretend with him. Wants us to be real with Him.
LORD u are my wisdom.
A campus guy some yrs ago. Youths were witnessing in the campus. “I will never receive Jesus because I don’t want to go around witnessing for Jesus." You don’t receive salvation because u want to witness. The witnessing comes when u want to. He receive salvation and told his friends at the dormitory how he doesn’t have to witness for Jesus, just receive Jesus. So easy. He unknowingly started witnessing for Jesus.
Witnessing cannot be forced when u have to tell people to witness for Christ or the blood of sinners are on your hand.
Deut 34:7- Moses 120yo when he died. Eyes not dim. Nor natural vigour diminished. thank God for doctors but like priests can only examine u n have no power to change it. Only Jesus can do something about it. Under grace. Not under law.
Secret to Moses youth?
Hebrews 11:27—— Moses endured as seeing Him who is invisible.
Usually when we see Endure in bible, it is macrotumio (long suffering). Diff word as what is used in above passage- kartereo-Entire NT used only once. This means- Continued strong. Not just spiritually but physically as well. How to continue strong? As seeing Him invisible.
Remember to see Him who is invisible in all your situations. Practice His presence and most of your prayers should be thanksgiving. Honours His presence. We should never get tired of thanking God. Telling our kid they are a blessing is a form of thanksgiving.
See Him (the invisible).
Everything we can see and touch is temporal.
That which is unseen and in the spirit is eternal.
Learn to see Him in the unseen & see that He is with us and helping us always.
Sense the Father’s eyes of love on you.


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