Chewing on the Proverbs (part 1 of Proverbs 1 study)

Our 11 year old son and I are both doing our own quiet time bible studies on the Book of Proverbs in tandem with each other. We then come together to share what we have gleaned. Initially, I wanted to look at Proverbs 1 on the first day and then by the end of the month, we will end at Proverbs 31. However, the book of Proverbs is a real spiritual chewing gum =) We found ourselves diving into Proverbs 1 and finding how deep and beautiful it is. Here are some of my notes from just the first 7 verses of Proverbs1. =) Will add more later as our two year old is clamouring for some attention right now =D Hope this blesses you. =)

Proverbs 1:1-7 Reflections
The start of the Book of Proverbs tells us how it is full of truths that are obscured- hidden from those who do not have a heart to pursue Wisdom. This made me call to mind the parables as well as how Jesus is concealed in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament. It is good to recall that Jesus and Wisdom are one and the same. The Proverbs are a step to understanding the heart of Wisdom and to hone our insight and discernment. It teaches us to operate in wisdom, to be disciplined, thoughtful, to come to understand righteousness (of Christ), justice (the man of sorrows hung on a tree, established His perfect and finished work on the Cross to fulfill divine justice of God, the judge), and one we believe right, we can live right (with integrity, giving glory to Jesus). The Book of Proverbs also arms the simple (we will see this later on in v22) as people who are open to evil; It also gives to the youths (spiritually immature) knowledge (of the Truth), discretion and discernment. Those who pursue wisdom (the wise) will further increase in their ability to hear, to learn. Those who pursue understanding will be given skills and to receive sound counsel- so that they stay on track & will not fall from grace. Proverbs also helps one to understand prophecies, wise sayings and even to read between the lines when it comes to spiritual attacks.
In verse 4, we see the simple will be gifted with prudence.
So what does it mean to be prudent?
  • Careful
  • Discerning
  • Far-sighted
  • Play safe
  • Sound
  • Thrifty
  • Vigilant

What about the reverse? What does it mean to not be prudent?
  • Careless
  • Foolhardy
  • Irresponsible
  • Inconsiderate
  • Rash
  • Reckless
  • Thoughtless
  • Unthinking
  • Unwise

When we study the Book of Proverb, we can avoid being these negative qualities.
What about knowledge? The word also appears in verse 4 of this proverb. Knowledge is synonymous with-
  • Proficiency
  • Ability
  • Accomplishment
  • Awareness
  • Education
  • Enlightenment
  • Scholarship
  • Expertise
  • Insight
  • Intelligence
  • Observant

In verse 4, we also see that the youths are given discretion. But what is discretion?
  • Acumen
  • Diplomacy
  • Forethought
  • Gumption
  • Maturity
  • Responsibility
  • Shrewdness
  • Foresight
  • Calculation
  • Care
  • Good sense
  • Judiciousness 

Verse 5 talks about hearing. What does it mean to hear? I know it means using my ears but I wanted to go in depth. So I checked the dictionary.
To hear is to receive information by ear, to listen with favour and compliance, to take or listen to the evidence or testimony, to give judicial consideration, to be part of an audience.
Again it made me think of Jesus. How He wants us to favour His truths over those of this world, to comply to the loving instruction He has for us. When we listen, we are listening to the evidence and testimony of His death, His resurrected life, His perfect and finished work, our salvation, our unmerited favour and grace now that we are one with Jesus. We give judicial consideration that perfect justice has been served on the Cross and like the many people who listened to Jesus preach in the sermon of the Mount, like Mary who sat at the feet of Jesus to hear Him speak, we are one of the many generations upon generations of believers who have taken heed to His Word that never ages and never fails. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!
So what is this instruction that we are encouraged to receive/hear (v3)? Instruction is defined as
  • Englightenment
  • Apprenticeship
  • Edification
  • Preparations
  • Lesson
  • Training
  • Advice
  • Coaching
  • Teaching

Instruction is not meant to be some lengthy and boring ‘do this or else, do that or else’ monologue.  How beautiful the entire meaning of the word is! Instruction is meant to edify/encourage us, to prepare us, to bring light into our situation. It coaches us because perhaps we are not naturally talented in this area. It advices, it teaches.
The reverent and worshipful fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. But what kind of fear are we talking about? Here it has nothing to do with the kind of fears we identify as being frightened and scared. Fear here is the sense of awe and not dread. To be in awe of the LORD is to see how amazing, how wonderful, how eternal, how powerful, how mighty, how loving, how great, how good our Daddy God is. This requires one to acknowledge He is the greater, we are the lesser. This acknowledgement also enables us to receive. But those of this world who focus on the self, who seem themselves as being on par, or believing that God is just some invention by humans- to these people, wisdom and instruction and discipline are ridiculous concepts that they cannot accept. Jesus is not real, salvation is just an imagination.


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