No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it. 1 Co 10:13 >> How true! He doesn't let us down and although He allows testing from the devil, it is not to torture or to punish us- if it were, He would not help us overcome or give us a means to escape. There is a hedge of protection established around us that the devil cannot penetrate unless our own free will - ie. wrong believing and speaking negatively, sees us stepping outside of that hedge and into the wilderness (aka falling from grace). The devil's weapons are fear, guilt and condemnation. This leads to negative confession and receiving the wrong outcomes due to our wrong understanding of the Word. This is not something Daddy God can prevent due to the gift of free will we have been given, but He always sends people to edify us, to speak over us, to intercede for us, to clarify to us, to share with. We learn how others have encountered similar challenges- how they got out of them and were restored and recompensed for their trouble. These walking testimonies (and more importantly, His Word!) are divine tools or weapons He sends our wav to do battle with the enemy. Now it is up to us to choose to believe the good being prophesised over us and His unconditional love plus unmerited favour over our lives- that is choosing to step back into that hedge of protection, of saying we surrender the battle to the LORD because the battle belongs to Him. Job acknowledged that all his merit earning, all his sacrifices were as Paul puts it, "like filthy rags"; they reeked of self effort, ego (I did this, I did that so why God why?). It was this aspect of him that allowed the attack to take place. And when he surrendered and let the LORD take over by admitting I cannot but You can, I dunno but You do, that was when restoration took place, when he was restored to an even better position than when he came under the attack. This is because when Daddy God wins the victory, He does not just carely win it; it is a resounding victory! When Jesus, our advocate, thrashes the accuser, the devil, at his own game, he doesn't just win the case for us, He justly wins us compensation and rewards above and beyond our imagination. =)

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