Psalm 66:12
… we went through fire and through water, but You brought us out to rich fulfilment.

When I look back at my life & reflect on the journey so far, I am constantly amazed by how much love, mercy and grace God has bestowed upon me and my family through Jesus Christ.

I was like a lost child walking in the woods - devoured by the myriad branches and trees. I wasn't very witty and didn't say the sorta things that would make a girl popular. I wasn't very fashionable and I wasn't into trends and boy bands and popular music. I had few friends and I was depressed. I felt misunderstood and unloved. I started having doubts about my future and would check the astrology pages and even tried Tarot cards online. I was suicidal, I was in pain. I was blinded by painful experiences with the world's definition of love - conditional, cold, temporal.

How did I get here?

Only by grace.

I no longer fear because my God is with me. He has a covenant promise to be my provider, my Saviour, my everything... and by keeping my eyes upon Him and casting my cares upon Him, He has satisfied me with good things - many blessings in my life.

I now understand that I cannot expect of the people I love for they too are vessels like I am - we can only be filled with joy, shalom and love from one source... Yahweh.

I treasure each blessing because of the price Jesus paid on the cross so that I can have them. I treasure the freedom He has won for me on Calvary. I treasure the light I now have that keeps away the darkness.

I've said it before - let people call me a fool for Christ and a Jesus nut... I more than welcome it. I'd rather be a fool of this world than a fool in the eyes of my Heavenly Daddy. =D I'd rather be salty than bland. I'd rather let my little light shine than keep it covered.

How can one look at the Cosmos in the sky and doubt in a Creator God? I can't. Not after seeing the stars displayed before me on that flight back from Korea. It was breathtaking. Not after seeing the photos of stars, galaxies and planets taken by NASA telescopes - very, extremely WOW.

Not after seeing a Laminin.

I especially cannot because of the fingerprints He has left over my life and my heart. He is my potter and I am glad to be His clay - free for Him to mould and shape, coz honestly I don't think I'd be a good potter for myself.

Kaelen my first and my best mother's day present. If Jesus had not sent people to help me through the Satanic attack of guilt and fear I had, would I have such a lovely son who has such an amazing love and childlike understanding of God?

Ian is my precious blessing. If I had allowed Satan to tempt me into suicide from my depression, or allow him to plant seeds of condemnation in my heart that no one can love me because i suck, then I would not be happily married to a man who sees the diamond beneath the rough. Christ came through for me again and again; He is now the foundation and the most important part of our marriage.

Job 42:5
I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.

"I see grace, sealed by your sacrifice. I see love reaching for me. Precious blood - washes and sanctifies. Healing flows, setting me free. I see grace."

- I See Grace (copyright of New Creation Church)

Indeed, I see Your Grace Jesus... thank You.


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