Marital Bliss Sits Well With Me

We have been married for the last 3 months, and I am really happy. Joyful sort of happy. I enjoy basking in the smile of my hubby every morning. I enjoy watching him eat the food I prepare, and washing the dishes together with him after that.

It is a simple bliss and I truly appreciate it.

I honestly feel that I have a real gem of a hubby - moulded and shaped by my heavenly Abba Himself.

Ian is a great husband who is secure in the LORD, and thus secure in himself. I don't mean to be prejudiced, but having dated non-Christians before, being with someone who shares your faith walk is crucial.

Because if the relationship is to work out, it depends on a 3rd party and that is Jesus Christ.

This is exactly why we enjoy what we have together as a couple - trust on a whole different level because we look to Christ to be the foundation of our relationship and the ultimate provider.

I don't expect of Ian and he doesn't expect of me. We expect of Christ. I respect and trust Ian, and he respects and trusts me in return... Christ being the source of that trust and respect. And forgiveness is never a difficult thing to hand out to each other should we say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing to upset the other. Anger is not allowed to grow and simmer for a long time, but is quickly nipped in the butt, sorted out and dealt with honestly, respectfully and heart-to-heart before we retire for the day.

Having the love of Christ allows us to love each other better. As Joyce Meyer once said "You cannot give what you don't already have." A person who can't accept unconditional love can't give it. And because Ian is able to understand what it means to love with no conditions, he is able to give just that.

Thank you hubby for being a wonderful husband and precious blessing. I love you very much.

Happy 3 months of blissful Hubby-Wifey-hood!


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