Renewed sense of urgency...

I was thinking today about how I would like to see my friends and family in Heaven someday.

Thank goodness many have embraced Christ =) - esp my hubby and my son.

What about those who have not?

I cannot forget a memory I have from childhood. I do not mean to be irreverent to my late maternal grandfather - but after his death, on the night he was suppose to return (as most Chinese choose to believe so), I saw him return. I was in primary school then. He was with 2 demons and he looked regretful and sorrowful. He did not look happy. He visited the first room where my aunt was, then the room my mum and I were in. He said nothing, but his mournful gaze on me is unforgettable. My maternal grandfather was Taoist.

It struck me just now that I would never be able to talk to my maternal grandpa when we finally cross the bar, as Tennyson puts it. Neither will I get to see my paternal grandparents. I know this because they departed as non-believers, and it is too late to save a soul after it has left this plane.

But it is not too late for the friends and family that are still around.

I mean no malice, neither do I mean to encroach on their beliefs... I guess I just hope to spend eternity with them. I don't believe in forcing. I don't even think we should condemn. These self-righteous reactions only drive them further away.

We can sow the seeds or water seeds already sown by others, but it is not for us to make the Word take root and grow in them. God will make those seeds grow. What helps? To fertillize these loved ones' spiritual lives with prayers - constant prayers.

The growth might not be instant. It might take months, years, decades even... but never say never - the most stubborn seed might one day surprise you with the most beautiful blooms.

I look expectantly to the Constant Gardener of my heart - Jesus - to ensure their salvation. Amen.


  1. Know what you mean sis... love has never been heavier, especially recently for myself as well. But we know Jesus and His overabundant grace. He knows.


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