Faith doesn't buy you blessings, it helps you receive it!

Faith is not the price that buys the blessings of God, but it is the hand that receives them. Ephesians 2:8 tells us that it is "by grace, through faith" that the blessings of our LORD and Saviour come to His children." - Joyce Meyer

I found this very interesting.

Basically Joyce Meyer is reminding us that it is not our believing and speaking (ie. faith) that buys the blessing because Christ overpaid for these blessings on the Cross (aka Grace came about from His ultimate sacrifice)...

But we do need to believe and speak to receive the blessings!

It is not that God has no blessings for us my friend, but it is as James 4:2 states- "we have not because we ask not".

We can rebuke the devil for all it is worth, but unless we start believing and speaking God's promises and truth over the situation and CLAIM it all through the victory of the Cross, we will not have the blessings.

Don't be mistaken. God's not a miser. The blessings are falling all around us like April showers, or rather Singapore's Monsoon rain =D, but unless we open our hands to receive these blessings, our clenched hands remain empty except for disappointment & a lot of hot air.

To open our hands to receive metaphorically, it requires us to open our mouths literally to speak God's Word over our situation because those are victorious words that glorify God, glorify Christ, glorify the Holy Spirit.

Christ said "I have come to give you life and life more abundantly" - so what are you waiting for?

Claim that abundant life! Believe and speak. Call this abundance into existence through the Word, the Promises of Christ Jesus!

Let the redeemed of the LORD say so! SAY SO! =D


  1. God wants us to enjoy our lives; if we would just live by his principles we'd see how wonderful life can really be!!!

  2. AMEN! =) Praise God indeed for that revelation.

    But it is sad that many Christians allow themselves to live a life of defeat for lack of understanding (Hosea 4:6).

    God wants to give but we must be willing to receive and that willingness comes from having a better opinion of Him over what the world says as well. =)

    May the LORD bless you and cause His face to shine on you sister as you walk in His Light. =D Amen! =)


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