2009 - 1st post

Sorry it took me more than a week to get back on my blog. =)

I was down with food poisoning for a few days - praise God that by His stripes I was healed and fast! =D

Then Kae started school so I've been busy with that, adjusting to waking up in the morning at 6am or 5.55am... and then rushing out scripts (praise God!) for TV or going for meetings for new writing jobs. I also have to work out the schedule with my Dad who swings by to help me with Kae and pack the spare room to convert it into Kae's room (MAJOR spring cleaning as there are a lot of old furniture to remove and cleaning to do. =D ). I will miss the little guy snoring in my room but we would like to get him a nice little pad to call his own. =)

My hugest apology! ^.^"

Eversince Kae started school, I have been thanking God for the crisp morning air I get to breathe in every day. I love it! I do my daily devo reading on my way back after leaving him at the school gate (can't go beyond the guard post you see), then sms my reflections or readings that I've been led to out to my friends.

Unfortunately, the phone bill has surged way past the budget set aside =p From less than a 1000 sms-es a month, it grew to about 1000 sms-es which was still within my sms limit for the month. Now it has hit almost 3000 sms-es (some messages are longer and I send them out to between 5-10 people each day... so umm yea lol. I just made more Godly friends and more friends who need to be encouraged. I guess that is a wonderful thing... that God has sent me new friends who also abide in Him or who are seeking to abide in Him. Hallelujah!). We believe that God will provide the means to sms encouragements regardless AMEN! But for the next couple of months, until Ian and I can manage, I will be sending out daily encouragements via facebook or email. =D
If there is something that is pressing, I will still SMS out... but I have to cut back for now for a bit. Hope everyone's cool about it =D

I also try to write short daily messages to Kae every day. He reads them either at breakfast, recess or lunch. =) He grabs it from the My Message bag. I pre-write them a week or two in advance so he gets a selection. I will be sending these out as the daily encouragement sometimes and blogging them here on well, my blog. =D

I just want to say 2009 has been fabulous so far and because the path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter unto the perfect day, I KNOW and BELIEVE that each day is just going to be filled with more good things, more miracles, more life and life abundantly, more victory, more health, more wholeness, more wisdom, more blessings that bring with them no sorrow in Christ - AMEN!

I read somewhere today that AMEN is not "Let it be so" but "Thus it shall be". They sound similar but whilst one is singing the popular chorus of John Lennon's earthly peace song "let it be" and holding cross fingers up in hope... the other is a statement filled with confidence as saying it is confirming that it is going to happen.

I will be talkin about praying to God and asking for Him to work His authority and praying the Word of God and applying His authority somewhere this week. It is interesting how these two sound so similar but are so hugely different. ^.^"

Have to stop for now as Kae is asleep, I've spoken to Ian which means I NEED TO SLEEP TOO. =)

Y'all be greatly blessed, highly favoured and deeply loved for now folks. =) I will be less elusive once I adjust to the hours better. For now I wake at 5 , I do the go-to-school-with-kae thing, I hibernate, I wake a bit before his school's done for the day, I do the mummy thing of picking him up, feeding him, bathing him, going through his homework book, then I rush out work, I cook, clean, nag the kid a little bit here and then and then the day is over faster than before as Kae's bedtime is 8pm. Hahaha. ^.^"

Once I get used to this I will be better able to stay awake in the mornings and do my quiet time & blog I hope. =)

So please don't get mad if I seem less contactable, if I send out less sms-es or send them out super early lol... I am maximising my day and just living it out for the LORD as I adjust my body clock better. =D

Grace grace! SHALOM! AMEN!

P/S: BTW Israel is NOT the agressor in the Gaza strip conflict. Hamas was the first to break cease fire and then even during times of peace, they did not want a resolution no matter how Israel offered land, peace, aid, etc... basically those dudes want Israel out of the picture period. And IMHO the Hamas leaders don't care jack about their civillians. If not, they would not allow them to live amongst the soldiers the way they arranged it. The civillians are basically like a human shield and an excuse they can throw out to the world to appeal via humanitarian means to make Israel look bad. It would be real nice to have peace in the Middle East but if there is no way to obtain peace because it takes two hands to clap, I don't blame Israel for trying to take action. I mean if your neighbour refuses a resolution and keeps throwing bricks into your house that puts your family at risk, will you just go oh whatever? You'd put your feet down and ask them to stop it, and if they don't despite offers for resolution, you take action right? It's not like Hamas will listen to US or UN or EU or whatever acronyms are out there... they have one agenda and only one- and that is to wipe Israel off the map from their rightful place where they have been established for thousands and thousands of years. I am sorry for the civillians who are killed everyday in this conflict but it is the Hamas who put them in the path of the attacks and it is Hamas who refuses to resolve this amicably and move on, not all Israel's fault. =pp SHALOM JERUSALEM. MESSIAH WILL COME! I hope that less innocent civillians will be killed - and by that I mean the civillians from both the gaza strip and israel. His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.


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