WHOSE are you??? ^.^"

A pupil is not superior to his teacher, but everyone (when he is) completely trained (readjusted, restored, set to rights, perfected, transformed) will be like his teacher. - Luke 6:40

We are not greater than Christ but when we allow God's wisdom to take over our worldly logic, we put on the robe of righteousness, coat our tongue with praise not curses, undergo our heart transformation by accepting His position as He takes your place to undergo judgement... we are able to let the light of His glory shine through every area of our lives. And when people see that light, they see, not us better, but they see Christ better.

Jesus has restored us to right standing and even won for us the right to call God our heavenly Daddy. He has made Himself our firm foundation so that upon the solid rock we stand and we can enjoy our full inheritance of our son-ship in Him. Thanks to His sacrifice, God sees us perfect despite our unworthiness. He has taken our ashes and replaced it with the beauty of the LORD. =D

He has become our trainer by entrusting within us, the Holy Spirit, who teaches us ALL things. And if we listen to its gentle proddings and loving whispers of correction, we will begin to reflect him in the many facets of our life.

It is our responsibility to choose to make the right decisions in what we say, think or do to reflect our new nature as new creations in Christ - died to the world, and born again to sit at the right hand of God the Father with Jesus.

Remember whose you are today!



  1. Well said Geri.The Bible is not about us.It's about Jesus.It's not about who we are but whose we are.

    It's not about our righteousness.It's about His righteouness that we seek after.Mtt 6:33

    It's not about beholding our sins but beholding His glory.It's not about self examination.It's about Christ transforming us as we behold Him.2 Cor 3:18,Rom 12:2

    Joseph was a type of Jesus.He was betrayed by his brothers.Jesus was betrayed by His own(Jews).Joseph was blameless even when tempted by Potty's beautiful wife.Jesus was tempted at all points yet without sin.

    Joseph lived before the law (that says "Thou shall not commit adultery.")Jesus lived before the law (Moses).Jn 1:17

    Joseph always knew that his father loved him.He was the favourite son.Jesus is God's Beloved Son."This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased."

    And as He is, so are you in this world.1 Jn 4:17

    You are God's favourite and He is well pleased with you.

    May His unmerited favour abound and reign in your life and all our fellow bloggers.


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