When the seas are choppy...

Dearest Beloved and the disciple whom Jesus loved,

When faced with a bad situation remember that God's WORD or promises to you has NOT changed even though the circumstances around you have. Praise God because He will use what the devil means to harm you with and turn it into even greater blessings in His perfect time!

Like David, remember to always see GOD bigger than the giants in your life and always keep His praise on your lips. Remember our life and life more abundantly comes through the Word of Christ and speaking it leads to the tree of life. Speaking against the will of God only brings destruction.

If you want to curse, swear, grumble, mumble... guard your tongue before it starts rolling out curses on your situation unknowingly and instead pray in tongues or sing a praise song! Do so until your shalom is restored and you feel in His peace again. =) In this way, you let your tongue go, but you let go the right things rather than the wrong things. AMEN!

Proverbs 10:22 promises you - the blessing of the LORD makes right and He adds no sorrow with it. AMEN! HALLELUJAH!



  1. Your faith is motivating. The Lord speaks through you beautifully. My wife and I very much enjoy reading His flowing message on the glowing pages of your blog.

    All glory to God our Father always, in all ways!!

    Your brother and sister in Him,

  2. Shalom Chad and Aimee, =) It was very good to hear from you!

    Thanks for leaving your edifying comments. All glory to Christ!

    I am glad that you are abiding in Christ and that despite our physical distance, the LORD works in His wondrous ways to help us to get to know each other. =)

    May we sharpen each other in our faith as iron sharpens iron, and may this year be a year of abounding in blessings upon blessings for you and your loved ones!

    The blesssings and favour of the LORD follow you wherever you go. Praise the LORD!

    Shalom from your Singaporean sister in Him,
    Geri =D

    (Keep in touch!)


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