Watchman Nee on Truth, Baptism & Life - super duper thought provoking!

Truth preached without light becomes doctrine, but truth preached with light becomes revelation. When truth is received as doctrine, it gives us a big head; but when truth is received as light or revelation, it becomes life experience.

How does God use the Spirit of Truth to lead us into the Word of Truth? By having the light of God shine upon the Word. When this occurs, we are at once brought by the Spirit of Truth into a living experience of the reality of that truth.


In spiritual matters, do not be afraid of people's opposition. If things are of God, eventually people will acknowledge them to be right.


The measure of one's Life is based on the degree of one's death.
Doctrine is always limited, whereas Life is unlimited.


To be baptized means to be included in Christ's death. Have you truly been baptized?

God puts a representative symbol before us - the Cross - and we, too, put a representative symbol before Him as our answer - baptism. Baptism is our response to God, embodied in an act. Though we say nothing, God understands.

Baptism is burial. But what is the condition for the burial? Death! We are not baptized in order to produce death; no, we must die first (to this world) - thereafter we can be buried in baptism and be resurrected to life and life more abundantly

Insofar as God is concerned, we can do nothing with the flesh, except finish it on the cross.


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