When you feel so hurt no words can describe it...

Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever (Isaiah 61:7 The Message).

It can be discouraging to speak about Jesus to my parents sometimes, My mum has a tendency to say negative things and so I'd be busy rejecting them in Christ under my breath. When I told her the importance of speaking God's good will over us instead of our saying bad things, she said why you so superstitious??

I explained to her that this was not superstition but a biblical principal clearly stated in Scriptures.

Before our wedding, my aunt asked us not to tithe as we should save the money for our life together and not to give to the church our hard earnedd cash. I held my tongue but told her thanks for her advice and explained the reason we tithed.

Sometimes it is hard when the people you love do not share the same revelation and understanding as you do. There are conflicts, there are awkward moments and there are criticisms too.

It trickles over for some into the workplace or to their schools... and they suffer the ridicule and persecution of un-understanding colleagues or classmates.

It is therefore crucial to hold the above quotation close to your heart and to meditate on it when it seems like the troubles are getting too much to bear, the trials are too many to count and the heartache is immensely painful.

Remember Christ is for you and that even "this too shall pass". HUGS! Keep looking ahead and not to the past or to meditate on the troubles of the present. You have a bright future ahead. AMEN!



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