Knowing you have resurrection power!

It is quite easy for people to enter into death, but it is impossible for them to come out of it. People may reject life but they cannot reject death. But there is one man who came out of death- Christ Jesus. HE IS LIFE, thus all who believe in Him shall never die. There is a power which can enter death and come out of it and that power is the power of God. Satan on one hand works through darkness and, on the other hand, through death. Yet there is a power which comes from God- it IS able to pass through death and NOT be held by death. The power of the devil can't overcome it, neither can the power of Hades swallow it. It IS called resurrection. That which can pass through death and not be affected by it is called resurrection. And the power that is in us is this very power! This power also made Him to sit on God's right hand in heavenly places (see EPH 11: 20-22.) -- Watchman Nee

Take heart. No matter how dead circumstances may seem right now, you'll pass through it victoriously and not be adversely affected by it because you have already entered into resurrection life so live it out. ;)

Don't pray or approach issues from the place of defeat anymore; you must know that you are in Christ, so you come from the throne of glory every time. :)

Be blessed be at rest- Daddy God's got it under control.


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