Thoughts on Legend of the Seeker

Hmmm watching it with the hubby now and going "Eh?!?!?!"

Is it just me and hubby, or does the story borrow symbolisms etc from the bible and some Christian/Catholic elements?

Sword of Truth (aka Bible)
Seeker (Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto ye)
Confessor (very RC... hubby and I LOL-ed and went NUNS?! at the same time)

In fact how the first born kids were slain etc was very reminiscent of the birth of Christ. =p

I am not saying it is a Christian story, I am just bemused how RPG stories love to borrow from The Word itself.

"He's got the sword and the book!" - Kahlan (Aiya her name's pronounced the exact same way as Kaelen's name!!! Grumble, grumble...)

Ah well, I also got the sword and the book mah... and I too am a Seeker... a Seeker of His Word =)


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