Fish & Chips - Messiah Style

The recent recession seems like it is not getting better. I know a coupla guys who went through a similarly discouraging scenario. It might have happened a while back ago, but their feelings of discouragement and despair remains the same as what many are feeling today.

They had been out fishing all night to no avail. The fish were not biting. They decided to turn back and enjoy whatever was left of the night. Every sign pointed to NO FISH - empty nets, tired muscles from letting nets in and dragging them back to no avail.

When they got to shore, these blokes were washing their fishing nets when a kindly looking stranger got into one of their boats and asked if they wouldn't mind taking him and some of the people following him a little out to sea. Since their boats were doing nothing fruitful that night, the one who owned the boat he had chosen to step in agreed to volunteer his time.

After talking a little while about things that really moved the hearts of all on board, including the owner of the boat, the kind stranger asked him to lower his nets. "Put out into deep water, and let down[b] the nets for a catch," encouraged the stranger.

Now the owner knew that his chips had been down all night, there had been no sight of any fish, but perhaps to humour the stranger, and perhaps with what little hope he had left, OR perhaps even he had received revelation that this stranger was no normal man, the owner did what he was told to do. He drops a disclaimer before he starts to work -

"Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets."

Luke tells us in Luke 5:6,7 -

When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.

You want some fish, you need some chips? Then don't turn into the side dish of vinegar!

Instead, remember that we labour in vain when we labour on our own.

However when we have listened to the message of grace through Christ Jesus and have formed a relationship with Christ, we can find strength and be taught by the Holy Spirit.

Grounded in His promises & obedient to His leading, we know we can launch into the deep even if the circumstances seem dead, to draw in not just one net, but NETS, that can't help but be weighed down - not by burdens or disappointments, but by an over abundance of BLESSINGS! =)

Have Fish & Chips Messiah Style - stop sucking on vinegar and feed on the main dish - The Word of Christ- and be ready to tuck in coz the blessings will come rushing in and when they rush - man do these blessings RUSH! =D

Take a page from Peter today. =)


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