Standing in the Holy Place

"When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)” -Matthew 24:15

It is without a doubt that I say that I truly believe that we are living in the End Times. Bible prophesied events are taking place all around us in the areas of geography & natural disasters, politics, medical sciences, financial markets and economies, etc.

There is an atmosphere of fear and anxiety thick in the air these days BUT we are not too fear because we are in perfect love - we can choose to abide in the safety of the Secret Place of the Most High by trusting God in the Spirit, instead of fearing what is happening around us in the flesh.

Standing in the Holy Place, we can be more than conquerors because we are IN Christ Jesus - His victory over the Prince of the Air is our victory, the fact that He reigns at the right hand of the Father means that we reign too alongside Him because "As He is in THIS world, so are we".

It is important that we stand in the Holy Place because it is only in Christ, in the safety of His covenants to us that He can protect us from what is happening in the world today.

I call to mind the story of the Passover - God was going to send his last and final plague to target Pharaoh and the Egyptians. But to Moses, the Lord provided instructions so his people would be spared. Each Hebrew family was to take a Passover lamb, slaughter it, and place some of the blood on the door frames of their homes. When the destroyer passed over Egypt, he would not enter the homes covered by the blood of the Passover lamb.

The same thing applies today - we need to apply the blood of our LORD Jesus Christ over our lives by consecrating every area of our lives up to Him - our family, our finances, our health, our career, etc. We need to abide in His Word - not letting fear eat us up, but standing fast on the promises found in His Word.

As we stand in the Holy Place - in Christ - we know that it is a solid rock that is our foundation, not a bed of shifting sand. As we stand in the Holy Place, we can rest knowing that no evil can come near us, no plagues can come near our homes.


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