His tender mercies

I was reading my very dearest Aircon's blog (I am her heater.... long story hahaha. She is also the one who first told me about New Creation Church when I was in Poly) when I felt I should share what she shared:

I was surfing on the word 'mercies' looking for this song when I came across a sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles called For His Mercy Endureth Forever.

Basically he expounds on the word mercy in the Bible and its context. My favourite portion was about how the word 'endure' comes from a greek word which means 'to conquer'! So His Mercies Conquers Forever!!

Praise God!

If you think of it Jesus's mercy conquered the grave, His love and tender mercies ensured our victory the day He opened His arms to die for us on the cross.

So let's live each day in remembrance of that tender mercy and that unfailing, unconditional love in praise of His amazing grace =)

Dr. Jack Hyles said on his website:

Twenty-six times in Psalm 136 we find these beautiful words, "For His mercy endureth forever." One of the most comprehensive statements regarding the nature of God in all the Bible--"For his mercy endureth forever"--26 times it is mentioned in the chapter.

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23:6)." The thought of the mercy of the Lord just overcame me this past week. The fact that the Lord's mercy endureth forever, means nothing can stop His mercy. I woke up Tuesday morning praising the Lord for His mercy. I took the concordance and began looking up the places where I could find the word mercy.

This morning, are you deep in sin? His mercy goes deeper than your sin. Are you away from God? Are you living a life that's not counting? His mercy goes beyond. No matter how deep you've fallen, His mercy is sufficient. It doesn't matter how far you've strayed; His mercy goes just a little farther.

I like how in Psalm 25:6 it is written

“Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy loving-kindnesses for they have been ever of old.”

God's mercy is tender - soft, gentle. I see the way a father would cradle his newborn baby - very gently by the neck. His love is kind- not abusive. Our Heavenly Abba only has kind words to say in our darkest moments, not words of judgement but gentle admonishments, encouragements meant to help us, to show the way, and to show us He still cares. He is CONSTANT. Max Lucado wrote in his book that Jesus is our middle C. =)

Praise God!

The Message Bible puts it this way:

Mark the milestones of your mercy and love, God; Rebuild the ancient landmarks!

If you look back at the trials and tribulations of your life, you can see God's milestones of mercy and love everywhere - reminders of how much you mean to your Abba Daddy. And each time you forget again that He loves you, He rebuilds those ancient landmarks of mercy and love again and again - as much as you need reminding. =D

I also like what my commentary in E-Sword wrote about this particular verse:

We are usually tempted in seasons of affliction to fear that our God has forgotten us, or forgotten his usual kindness towards us; hence the soul doth as it were put the Lord in remembrance, and beseech him to recollect those deeds of love which once he wrought towards it. There is a holy boldness which ventures thus to deal with the Most High, let us cultivate it; but there is also an unholy unbelief which suggests our fears, let us strive against it with all our might. What gems are those two expressions, “tender mercies and loving-kindnesses”! They are the virgin honey of language; for sweetness no words can excel them; but as for the gracious favours which are intended by them, language fails to describe them.

“When all thy mercies, O my God,
My rising soul surveys,
Transported with the view, I'm lost
In wonder, love and praise.”

If the Lord will only do unto us in the future as in the past, we shall be well content. We seek no change in the divine action, we only crave that the river of grace may never cease to flow.

May His tender mercies and kind love reign forevermore in our lives when we look back at yesterday, as we live today, tomorrow and forever.


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