Kae's graduating today!

Another chapter is coming to a close in the life of my little one. Today Kaelen will officially graduate from Kindergarten as he prepares for the next chapter to begin - Primary School.

Armed with tissue (lots of it), camera and a camcorder Dad, Mum, Ian and I will head over to Kae's kindergarten in a little while to witness Kae donning his first square hat and getting his cert on the stage. He will also be performing with his classmates a graduation performance as well as a K2 performance. Can't wait for it! =D

Little one has been making sure we will be surprised by not telling us anything about the performance or its songs - only divulging the colour of his costume.

Will put up the pictures tomorrow.

For now, the very proud Papa Bear and Mummy Bear are just going to enjoy watching their baby bear grow up just that little bit more. =)


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