Baptism - ritualistic??? Not to me. =)

I have not written in a while as I pondered what baptism means. I'd asked a friend, a believer of many more years than I, to literally take the plunge to become a baptised believer with her newly minted believer of a fiance. She then threw this question at me - "Isn't that being ritualistic?"

Well, that prompted much quiet time - seeking the Word and just dwelling in Him- and the answer is NO - Baptism is NOT ritualistic, NOT some OT or legalistic deal.

After Christ rose from the dead and before His ascent into Heaven, He'd instructed the disciples to go forth and to baptise believers. So if it was rituatlistic/legalistic, instead of being part of the New Covenant we now enjoy in Christ Jesus, He would not have given them such an instruction right? =)

Yes, first we confess with our mouth, and more importantly, with our hearts, that Christ is the Saviour Redeemer of our lives (ie. saying the Sinner's Prayer) - but that just secures our eternal salvation.

Baptism is, without a doubt, telling Christ through this very symbolic action that you have chosen to die to this world and be risen in Him, through Him. You know - just like His dying on the Cross is His way of telling you He loves you and that you are now free since He has paid the ultimate price and satisfied the justice of God. =D

Upon baptism, we truly receive the full power of the Holy Spirit in our lives - it unlocks great wisdom and understanding in us. I am not saying that prior to baptism the Holy Spirit is not with you, but that you receive it FULLY upon baptism.

Baptism is stepping up to God and saying I TRUST YOU ABBA, I AM CHOOSING YOU OVER THE WORLD. It is claiming your inheritance as heir to the promises of Abraham. It is choosing VICTORY of the new creation, over the fallen creation that is the Earth. It is saying I CHOOSE YOUR WAY over my way.

It is a bit like "Deal or No Deal". The person (contestant) contemplates whether he or she chose the right briefcase. When the person makes up his mind, he tells the TV host and the audience. He knows what he wants - suitcase number 5. BUT to confirm this, he/she has to do a special move to press a button and affirm that he/she is locking this decision down.

Our salvation is guaranteed when we receive Christ- we are fully forgiven, fully redeemed. But baptism is our showing the world and the principalities that we are locking this decision down and confirming whose we are.

I really think that it is important to be baptised after accepting Christ as your LORD and Saviour. I am sure that if it was not important, Jesus would have told the disciples to just go evangelise, get people to accept him and that's that... but His instructions clearly included BAPTISM.

The above views are my personal views on baptism, but feel free to explore the Word of God and to speak to the leaders in your church to find out why it is so crucial to get yourselves baptised. =D


  1. Would Jesus do something that is merely ritualistic with no value at all?

    Matt 3:12-17 (NLT)
    13 Then Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. 14 But John tried to talk him out of it. “I am the one who needs to be baptized by you,” he said, “so why are you coming to me?”

    15 But Jesus said, “It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires.” So John agreed to baptize him.

    16 After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.”


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