Meditating on God's faithfulness...

I love looking at the Cross I bought to hang up on a pillar between the hall and the dining area. Etched upon it are the lyrics to "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" which were inspired by the words of Lamentations 3:22-23-

"Because of the LORD'S great love we are NOT consumed, for His compassions NEVER fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."

There are days when I am magic-wiping the floor when I'd stop to look at the lyrics. Sometimes Kae and I would sing it together. I'd carry him and we'd sing it a couple of times. There is just something so heartening about that song.

I like knowing that there is no turning of shadow with my Heavenly Daddy- His Light is constantly and always focused on me. Like the spotlight of a stage, it shines upon me strongly and individually. That's the thing about Him- He loves us all but He also loves us individually and knows us inside out one by one. I'd like to think that even though there is a chorus of voices singing out to Him, He can single my voice out and smile as He listens.

I like knowing that come fire or hailstones, ice storms or drought or famine - I will never be consumed ever because He is my shield, my protector and defender. I love resting under the cover of His wings where I am safe from all evil, all harm.

And even though I walk through the valley of despair or darkness, through my own foolish wanderings, I rejoice that He walks beside me and His shepherd crook and staff never ceases to guide and guard me.

Joshua 1:9 is a promise I keep close to me now - Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

I have no reason to fear, to feel depressed, to 'kancheong' (be anxious) - I have no reason to let emotions rule over my understanding of the Truth. Yes, I do not know what lies ahead of me in the natural, but I know what is happening in the realm we cannot see - God's angel armies are defending His people, His hand gently cups over me so that I am surrounded by His impenetrable fortress- His love. How do I know what I cannot see? Because I know God is faithful - He has proven Himself to be faithful all through my life and what He says He will do does not return to Him void.

I am sure of my God's love and protection- they are new every morning. And He that watches over me does not sleep... His eyes are on the sparrow and on this little lamb. The Truth is enough to sustain me in my walk with Him.

Talking about walks and leisurely strolls, this has been brought to my attention once more during quiet time - Enoch walked with God. - Gen 5:24... Who is Enoch that the Scriptures make special mention of Him? This man must have spent time just enjoying spending time with God 365 days of his life (and make that another 365 years of those 365 days), keeping an uplook rather than an outlook. Daddy obviously enjoyed his companionship and whisked him up to heaven straightaway. =D May it also be said that Ian walks with God, Kaelen walks with God, Geri walks with God, (insert your name here) walks with God - may it be that we make time for Him always in every second, every minute, each hour, each day, every month, each year, throughout our lives.

Great is His Faithfulness. All He loves is for us to totally trust Him and to have faith in His faithfulness - to believe in His Truth and speak them over what we are told, what we hear in this world. To do that, we just need to spend time to come to know and understand what we are to believe over the enemy's lies. Unless we learn how to identify the truth, how are we to discern what are the lies? =)

As long as we seek Him first, we are no longer fools of this world... and because we have the mind of Christ, the discernment of the Holy Spirit, God is able to "add all these other things" unto us. Don't worry about not doing enough, not curry-favouring the boss enough... there can never be enough through our own efforts, but there can be perfect provision in Him.

All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Grreat is Thy faithfulness
Lord unto Thee!


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