How to hope for things unseen

"But if we hope for what is still unseen by us, we wait for it with patience and composure." - Romans 8:25...

Patience is makrothymeo in Greek = macros (long) + thymos (the soul- seat of feelings and passions, including anger and temper).

The combination of these 2 words suggest we delay our anger & be long of feeling.

Patience is not just waiting alone. It is waiting with hope, joy and a sound mind knowing God will deliver. It is waiting and not letting fear overcome you as you wait. It is waiting and whilst meditating of God's Word and promises, not grumbling.

Prayer is calling out and sowing God's promises in your life. Patience is waiting whilst your seed grows and bears fruit. The Product of these is the joy of knowing His love, bearing fruits of the Spirit, reaping an abounding harvest, and enjoying life and life more abundantly in this life and knowing you're saved after you depart from this life.

Have a highly blessed, greatly favoured and deeply loved day ahead! Jesus loves you with an everlasting love! :)

Hugs. :)


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