
Showing posts from July, 2009

Can't keep K down

Chirpy little bear. :) You can't see his charming lips smile, but his eyes are smiling anyways.

GI- Kae

My little GI Joe, K-ster, gamely poses with his face mask on.:)

Triple His goodness!

My cab extra surcharge was 5.55! Lol. :) Grace, grace, grace!

Awesome Daddy God!

Road's so clear. It was so jammed up just before started singing Psalm 91. :)

Psalm 91 lyrics. Cab's speeding! Wow.

I will dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I will stay in the shadow of Your wings. For Lord you are my refuge, my tower of strength. My hope is in You. Secure I STAND. You will deliver me, your truth will be my shield. Jesus you cover me, in Your love NO fear prevails. No evil, no terror, no arrow, no plague shall ever come near me. For you are my safety, my hiding place, Jesus I trust in YOU!

Praising my way to Changi

Playing my fav anti traffic jam song- Psalm 91 :) The traffic quite heavy now but the LORD has never failed to clear traffic jams for me. Esp when we're jamming to this song together. ;) Jesus I trust in You. Love the lyrics so much. For you are my safety , my hiding place LORD. Hallelujah! The traffic's CLEAR during peak hour. Is that a miracle or what? GOD IS AWESOME! AMEN!!!

Off to my hubby i go...;)

On my way to the airport. ;) Keep us in praise :)

Sleepy Times

I love watching Kae sleep. I love knowing that as he sleeps, Abba Daddy is watering and tending to him, trimming and fertilising, shaping and moulding. As he sleeps. I love watching Ian sleep. I love knowing that as he sleeps, Abba Daddy is taking off the heavy burdens, massaging away the hurt from his heart, imparting strength, wisdom and grace upon grace upon him, covering him with favour beyond the natural. As he sleeps. I love how every wrinkle and every frown melts off the face when they are asleep. How every care is gently pressed and ironed straight, how every knot is untied. Sleep. I love to sleep in the arms of my Abba Father and I love to snuggle up in the arms of the blessing He has given me in Ian. I can't wait to cuddle up to my dearest, most amazingly wonderful and sweet and wise and gentlee and loving and romantic hubby soon. Soon. Joy!


Heya all! This was Kae's bedtime story tonight and we were both so edified by the writings of Wigglesworth. I was going to type it out but decided to surf around and find a ready copy of it and guess what??? SOME ONE POSTED THIS FULL ARTICLE UP ON MY BIRTHDAY THIS YEAR. Lol. Talk about a belated birthday present from Abba Daddy for the purpose fo sharing with you HIS GOODNESS! =D Enjoy! Love, Geri "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him" (James 5 :14, 15) . We have in this precious word a real basis for the truth of healing. In this scripture God gives very definite instructions to the sick. If you are sick, your part is to call for the elders of the church; it is their part to anoint and pray for you in faith, and then the whole situat...

The Burden of Guilt

Everyone knows the story of Mike G - the pastor from Australia who came out to admit his cancer was a fraud. I truly believe that his illness wasn't though- and when I mean illness, I mean spiritual illness. He even suffered real symptoms of his fake illness. I believe he was truly under spiritual attack because the devil knows how much he can do for Christ if he wasn't. One thing struck me about his story though. I know it has been a while since the news, and hey that I blogged about it before but this was something I only just realised... Read this first - Mr Guglielmucci said his son finally confessed after the guilt of his lies and addiction became overwhelming.  "He lived the two lives and he would get sick as a result of the guil t ," he said.  "He was feeling like he was letting God down, letting his family down, his church, his friends.  "He's been living this for so long, feeling like he's had these two lives and now he's the one that...

Paul White Sermon- Reaping What You Sow is Not You Being Judged For Sin Part 2

So reaping what you sow is not you being judged for your sin. Wat about Gal6:7 then?  Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. - Gal 6:7 It is the token spot in the NT that ppl quote to prove to U that you reap what you sow.  Paul asks us to take a look at Gal 6 as well. He specifically used KJV (explains how OT is Hebrew, NT is in Greek orig... and how English can mess up the meanings becoz things get lost in translaton) - Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Now we will later derive part of the context of 7 from verse 6- When you use KJV, you will see that they used the word COMMUNICATE. Communicate = koinoneo (orig Greek) - Appears 4 times in NT - if you apply the English meaning of communicate, as in talking to someone else, it wun make sense. This is because Koinoneo actually means "share what you have with others", "partaker in other ppl's blessings" in the Greek. It doesn...

Patterns with K

I think K did a great job replicating the patterns, don't you? :)

Gleanings from Samson

I was reading the story of Samson again and a few points came to mind. You know how you can read something again and again and miss it, then it pops out at you? Well, this was my "pop goes the bible" moment. My gleanings for tonight:  - it was when he lost his fleshly sight that Samson was finally able to have spiritual insight. That was when he was able to see God and call upon Him for help. When we are too pre-occupied with the world, our discernment can be quite warped (Delilah is the perfect example of Samson's failed discernment). It is only when we realise that God is our EVERYTHING that we can receive the power to reign in our lives now and later, eternally. We must first stop seeing with flesh eyes and learn to see with spirit eyes.  - this was a story that truly is about how when sin abounds grace superabounds. God didn't say stay bald forever sucker... the hair grew back. Just like in the days where we feel stripped naked and raw inside out, God still clothe...

On Patience and Casting Cares

"But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (James 1:4). Was just reflecting on this bit about patience having her perfect work. Joyce Meyer once spoke about how patience goes beyond mere waiting, but waiting with a good attitude. Pastor Prince also spoke about how it's important we wait with joyful expectancy of God's goodness, to keep having a good opinion of God. They aren't the only two pastors that talk about how we should wait for God's rain to fall on our parched ground. I guess why so many pastors emphasise this point ties in with this quote from James. When we wait patiently with a good attitude, confessing God's goodness instead of being impatient and cross, it helps the blessing manifest in our life faster than when we do otherwise. It's not that God punishes us for negative confessions. He doesn't any more. All that was done on the Cross. Rather it's us not receiving because we'...

Morning reflection b4 naptime

"And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God." (Zechariah 13:9). Today we're burning with the anointed fire of the Holy Spirit; we've been refined by the power of redemption and the finished work on the Cross; Christ was tried with all trials and temptations so today we're overcomers in Him, destined to reign over all our circumstances. WE HAVE THE SPIRIT OF SON-SHIP whereby we can cry out Daddy God! AND He hears our every prayer and rains down His mercy, saving grace, provision and help for our every need and desire. Amen!;)

I love this sermon by Paul White.... wow.

                Powered by   Extract Transcript " read something in the Word and it will be confusing, and that's often because we don't filter our Scriptures through the finished work of Christ. For instance Psalms says, "...the LORD is angry with the wicked every day". And if we pull that verse out and build a doctrine out of it, which I have preached a sermon before, God is angry with the wicked every day, and hammer out on all the wicked of the world and how God's mad about it, and someday He's gonna rapture us out and kill people during tribulation... and that would be the way I would have preached it. But every verse has to be filtered through what Jesus did . Is God still angry with the wicked every day? No. He can't be. Why? Because one day, 2000 years ago, he put all His wrath that he was mad about sin- was God angry at sin? You bet. And He put all that wrath into Jesus, smote the Shepherd at the Cros  and now there is no m...

2 awesome narrations of "Oh the places you'll go"

The first by good ol John Lithgow and the second is by a little boy's loving parents. Check them out. Love the story and I hope to go beyond the 3 pages with my kids. 

Lesson 2: Congratulations is a big word

Well, today was my second lesson for my 1st group of students. Only 3 of them turned up today, 2 were absent from school. Believing that they are the healed of the LORD. As the syllabus was not in yet by class time, I chose to get them started on Dr. Seuss's "Oh the places you'll go!" As you know, Dr. Seuss is a very humorous read with many rhyming words. I thought it would be easy for the kids. In fact, I thought a story book I'd brought along with me from home was far too simple for them. Kae had set aside some books from his collection of books he has already outgrown at my parent's during a visit there. Sweety carted them back for me in his school bag. =)  He's very fond of the kor kors and jie jies that I teach,  and frequently asks me about their progress. He even discusses with me about my lesson plans for the kids. Hahaha. =)  I think my little bookworm really hopes that they can read and he does say short prayers for them to learn how to read well...

On Fearing Not

Fear creates a form of spiritual amnesia. It dulls our miracle memory. It makes us forget what Jesus has done and how good God is... If we trust God more, we can fear less. - Max Lucado. :) Interestingly Christ has urged us to not be fearful 21 times in the Scriptures. This is my thought- 21 is the age we are considered adults. It's like for every year we are a spiritual Teknon (child, infant), Daddy God has a fear not set in place through Christ till we reach the place where perfect love casts away all fear and blossom in our spiritual Huiios (child, full-grown heir). So remember, arise today and do not be afraid. Take courage, He is there. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but that of power, love and a sound mind. Amen!

Reflections on watching the Solar Eclipse on telly this morning ( repeat telecast on Ch U @ 2330)

Just done watching the coverage of the Solar Eclipse in China. It was breathtaking watching the Sun and the Moon play peekaboo with the Earth. Watching the Moon slowly creep up to block the Sun, then the light flaring from behind the Moon... and the appearance of what the China comperes call "Fei Li Zhu" was like WOW. That moment where a bit of Sunlight flared out like a diamond upon a ring... beautiful. The compere had a lovely way of phrasing it, "It is like the Sun is being born again." Which makes me wonder what it was like during the birth of Creation.  God is a brilliant artist. Dun get me going on all the beautiful rainbows He paints on a much more regular basis.  AND the Leonid Meteor shower that I caught sight of as a teenager. Daddy God is so awesome! I feel so honoured and so loved to be His creation and to be able to enjoy what He has created for us to see. Darn should have made Kae skip school today to watch this. HAHAHA. Recording it on the Hubstation ...

Everyone's looking for a sign... let it be this.

You know sometimes words dun say as much as a gesture. Like a hug... When I see Ian's tired face on Skype video, I just wish I were right beside him to give him a huge comforting hug. HUGGGGGGS  Hubby! Similary when I look to the Cross, it tells me so much that words can't express. It speaks of an unconditional love made flesh that lived, died and resurrected for me so that I am now living a resurrected life in Christ. The Cross is like that huge HUG from Daddy God from Heaven to remind me that it is empty (no tortured looking Jesus hanging from it) because Christ has WON the battle, was dead, buried and has risen from the dead so that I am now risen from my dead circumstances... and that we are all more than conquerors in Christ! =) I am no longer slave to my past, to sorrows, to bitterness because my chains are gone, I've been set free. My LORD, My Saviour has ransomed me. And like a flood His mercies reign. Amazing love. Amazing grace. Sometimes words dun say as much as ...

Just for Jesus

It used to be hard To let go of a broken heart I used to dwell in grief To be filled with disbelief I used to be sad Couldn't see how good can come from bad I used to be so dark Life was no walk in the park And then there was You You came and shone Your light In my life Now every wrong's been made right And there was You You came and opened Your arms On that cross So I can never be lost It's easier now Where I once feel it was tough To walk the road of love To feel I am of worth Coz there was You You came and shone Your light In my life Now every wrong's been made right And there was You You came and opened Your arms On that cross So I can never be lost Never be lost...

Crash and burn....

You know I was talking to my God sis the other day and I realised that there is a friendship I feel so much grief about. That friend has been a huge gigantum part of my life... and well the whole friendship crashed and burned one day. I tried my best... and I have no doubt that friend did too in this relationship... but how can you hold on to someone who pushes you away? Perhaps we've both changed so much, pulling towards seriously different directions to really understand how to hold on to the friendship any more. Different spheres of belief, different level and method of living life to the fullest... As Tori Amos once sang, "Sometimes I think you want me to want you. But how can I when you build the Great Wall around you." You know just because I am really still living a joyful life today does not mean I dun miss the friend or that I've stopped wishing the friend well when the friendship comes to what I hope is more of a long time out than the end. And there are day...

4am dedication to the hubby

Dear Hubby, I have sent you some 30 postcards already, postage courtesy of Singapore Tourism Board and Singapore Medicine... =) I remain amazed at how Daddy God is so awesome as to make sure the angels deliver postcards wrongly addressed. I thought you'd never see the first 5 postcards but they were delivered by grace. =D (Pretty much how like GRACE served you, literally, at the Jetstar Counter at the Airport Terminal 1...) I know it is a bit of a flood going there and I hope that this sea of blue, red, black ink on white will cheer your days and nights up. You know me - Wordy, itchy hands, romantic heart... I can't stop writing snail mail to you. In this modern day world, an email is so convenient to type and so instantaneous. Yet there is something magical about the snail mail- the handwriting that is unique, the anticipation and looking in the mail box each day, being able to fold it up and carry it everywhere with you without firing up the printer. Not everyone's a Time...

For the hubby- when he has time to read it

I miss you I miss your voice I miss your touch I miss you I miss the way you breathe The way you laugh when you watch TV I miss the way you sneeze When the temperature changes a little bit I miss holding your hands Firmly; we know the cues- when to let go and hold on tight I miss hugging your waist and just placing ears on chest to hear your heartbeat at night I miss sleeping beside you Even though you hog the blanket at night sometimes I miss waking up to see you Bedhead, sleepy smiles, gentle whispers, bleary eyed I miss you I miss your voice I miss your touch I miss you

Sunday in Summary

Woke up today (referring to Sunday morning) with single eye lids from being a cry baby on Sat night coz I am missing Ian acutely. =p Regretted crying straight away coz I think I look decidedly goldfish like with swollen eye lids. Really enjoyed Pastor's sermon today and I felt it was the Rhema word for my God-sis. I am so glad she is being "fed right" and I can see the glow of the joy of the LORD on her face again. =D Praise God! Daddy is awesome! I agree with Pastor that we must eat with no condemnation - tossing "Mother's Law" out of the window. The one that says "THOU SHALT NOT WASTE YOUR FOOD". Pastor was teasing us, "Dun waste, dun waste then everything go to the waist." Lol. Waiting up for Ian and watching Wonder Girls videos. Wondering myself what it would have been like had my Mum permitted me to learn dance as a kid... *looks enviously at Andrea aka the Dancing Queen* Yay! Ian is online! He doesn't have much time to talk beca...

A boy and his bot

When left to himself, K gets creative :)

Arty Farty

K draws a robot. Very detailed. ;)

LEGO time with K

Lego dude and His excavator :)

K's Lego Creation

K's excavator with light brick indicator. :)

K's LEGO creation

K's solar powered racing car

K's LEGO creation

K made this vehicle that transports tanks.

K's LEGO creations

K's F1 car and it's pit. There is a gate mechanism to lock the car in place when it's docked.

Blow out

They huffed and puffed and blew the candles out. :)

Someone turns 34

Syl should make Forever Young her theme song :)

Emo moment

Syl misses Ian at her birthday party...


So lo-man-tic hor?

New Olympic Sports

Rob and Jian Hua play Belly Shoe Ping Pong!

Tiger K

Kae goes golfing...

Whack the Pinata!

Go Chans!

Mum and Daughter partner...

Go Vivien and Anna... :)

Fierce! ;)

Priceless moment- Syl turns into XENA!

Run for your lives!

Mad Dash!!


Pretty Maiden :)

A pair of lookers

Beauty and the cute "Beast" :)

Pretty women

Stylo Mylo duo

Supermodel of tomorrow

Close up... Clarissa loves the camera.

Come on vogue...

Strike a pose...

Cheese... :)

Fashionistas and the Paparazzi...

Empress's New Shoe

The queen waits as her elves make her shoe. ;)

Bata would be proud :)

The shoe has become open toed sandals :)

Beauty Queens

The latest fashion- Pinata jewellery.

Classy okay?



Syl looks so demure... Riiiight...

Birthday Girl Part 1

Hehe she's in denial that she's 34.

Joyce makes a wish...

Joyce wishing it was her birthday again!

The Birthday Girl Part 2

Actually she is still gila...

Take that Heroes!

K does the Egyptian and Danielle is Ultra Girl!

Para Para

Discotech! The kids go wild. Dancing Queen and King. ;)

Cutie Pie

Isaiah plays with Ian. Lol. ;)

Hoppy Isaiah!

Isaiah hops 34 times! Brilliant job! ;) He's so cute!

Bravo Cheekboo!

K does the winks. She's very good!

Joyce beams away...

Joyce rejoices- it's her turn. :)

Happy Birthday Sylvia!

K wishes Syl a happy 14th birthday. Making her very happy. Lol.

Protected in Christ

Praise God! Ian's in Jakarta but not affected by the bomb blasts at both the Marriot and Conrad hotels. Truly DADDY GOD's hedge of protection surrounds our family. Amen!

Group 3- Boys, boys, boys

Today was probably my most trying group- the All Boys group. I say trying because the boys are more easily distracted and without a girl to motivate them to pay attention, it could be a bit tough. I think the hardest thing today was to teach without lapsing into guilt and condemnation. I had to take them in hand but not break their spirits. It's quite the challenge. Today's group had problems reading words like "even" and "cupboard". Must think of creative ways to teach and motivate these boys. :) Any suggestions?

Heartbreaking Thursday

My little ones in the English class I teach part-time are such sweet darlings and so many of them have such sad stories behind their eager little faces and big innocent eyes.  Today, I showed my class a few youtube videos. One was "If We Hold On Together", and the other "Always There" from The Land Before Time. The last one was "Soon You'll Come Home" from All Dogs Go To Heaven. The theme was "My Dreams & Being Brave". The school was the one that suggested the first song. The rest fell into place as I thought out my lesson plan. I wanted to show them how even though they are very little, they can dream big and be brave about what they want for in life. My 5 little students sang the first song very happily and tried to follow the second song. And one of them said the song made her feel like crying. She later expressed how she didn't like her parents because they never buy her the things she like. This was when we were discussing about ...

Day 1 Sem 2 New Kids on the Block

Today was my first day of the new Semester with the little ones at Kae's school.  I felt so proud of my students today... words with many syllables such as ELEPHANT and CHRISTOPHER ROBIN looks scary to them, but with some coaxing and coaching they dared to break the big words down  sound by sound so they could come to read them on their own. =DD I am teaching kids whose reading level is still Grade 1. They have classified the kids according to reading age this time round. Whilst it means that some of my other kids have been placed under other teachers, it also means that new kids have been placed under my care. =) My only qualm remains that before teaching kids to read well, they need to come to learn how to read first. I notice as I was reading to the kids, some of them were lost. They could not tell which word I was reading and were trying to look like they knew what they were doing when they clearly didn't.  I made it clear with them that we must be honest with ourselves at ...

More Taman Pasadenia Photos


Jakarta News

Found photos of the place LH and Ian are staying at for the next coupla weeks before they move to the beach for the rest of the shoot.  This is Taman Pasadenia or Pasadenia Gardens- apparently Keppel Land owns part of it. =D According to the internet it is located at the middle, upper middle class region of Jakarta, and is 15 mins away from Carrefour. =) It looks pretty nice - like a holiday resort. There is a pool, club house and gym, but the guys have not really gotten a chance to check all that out because of work.  I wonder if there is a Tiberias Church service that is held nearby. Must go research.   What really amused me also was that I was surfing the net to reconfirm their postal code number in Jak when I realise that the same location''s address can be written in a myriad of ways apparently. It was so odd. I guess as long as the postal code, condo name, tower and unit number is there, they can deliver the mail regardless of whether you write which lot it sits on, which...

Sleeping Handsome

K's funny sleeping pose. I turned around to see him looking like that and had to take a photo. Must show him tomorrow morning. :) lol.

The Husband

I miss Ian. It's one thing hanging and chilling with friends. It's another spending time with the hubby. We can talk just about anything and enjoy even the silence of a comfortable companionship. Silence around anyone else always feels painfully awkward to me, and reminds me of my more reclusive teen years. I was very much a loner sort. And that quality about me surfaces now and then. Between curling up with a ton of books and hobknobbing with a ton of people, I prefer my books. Call me a big geek, but books have been my companions through a single child family childhood, an ostracised youth, an angsty and dark period. And the book that is my favourite companion is the Bible. Only one friend is ever constant. He's my best friend in the universe, Jesus. :) I don't have to worry about impressing anyone or meeting social expectations with Him. That's always so comfortable. Then the closest after that would be my husband. :) My bestest friend in the world.

Free to write...

Thank God for overseas postage free postcards. :) Grabbed a stack to write to Ian with.