Heartbreaking Thursday

My little ones in the English class I teach part-time are such sweet darlings and so many of them have such sad stories behind their eager little faces and big innocent eyes. 

Today, I showed my class a few youtube videos. One was "If We Hold On Together", and the other "Always There" from The Land Before Time. The last one was "Soon You'll Come Home" from All Dogs Go To Heaven.

The theme was "My Dreams & Being Brave". The school was the one that suggested the first song. The rest fell into place as I thought out my lesson plan.

I wanted to show them how even though they are very little, they can dream big and be brave about what they want for in life.

My 5 little students sang the first song very happily and tried to follow the second song. And one of them said the song made her feel like crying. She later expressed how she didn't like her parents because they never buy her the things she like. This was when we were discussing about the things that our parents do that make us feel warm and safe. The other little ones all quickly chirped in "Because they don't have enough money what!" And I felt so sad. These kids mostlly come from middle or lower middle income or worse families. Lack is so much a part of their lives. 

I took the chance to tell them about my experience as a daughter, and my newfound understanding as a mother. I reassured them that their parents have only their well-being at heart. For eg. maybe they dun buy sweets coz they are concerned that the kids will eat them non-stop. "And then all our teeth drop out ah!" said one kid. The rest laughed. =) I told Angie to forgive her parents and not be angry with them, reminded the kids that when we let anger remain inside our hearts it will make us very sad people for a long time, and being sad just isn't a good feeling to have. So encouraged them to let go of any unhappiness and trust that Mummy and Daddy loves them so so much and are protecting them from things that seem good but might not be good for them.

When we spoke about Dreams later on - what is a dream we have in our heart? One little boy- a very lively and chatty kid- raised his hands and said very earnestly, "I hope my Mummy and Daddy will live together again." My heart broke again. This was a little one caught up in his parents personal problems with each other. He was very quiet for the rest of the class and when it was time to release them, I asked him to stay behind so I could have a little talk with him.

Told him that sometimes adults have problems getting along but it doesn't change the fact that both his mummy and his daddy love him a great deal. They might be having some arguments right now but it is not his fault. Told him I believe and hope with him that they will get back together again, but if they don't to understand that it is not always a bad thing. Told him I did not marry Kae's bio Dad but we both love Kae very much in our own capacity. And I also told him if Mummy and Daddy remarries, not to be scared. I shared how Ian loves Kae so much and they are good friends. Told him not to be scared and to just keep loving his parents and not let their problems affect him because even though they are fighting with each other, they both care for him a great deal.  Also let him know I am very proud of him that it must be so hard to be brave when there are such things happening at home, but he has been brave so far. Encouraged him to approach me if he has any worries in his heart in the future.

These little Primary 2 kids are all so sweet and so dear to me. Many of them come from broken families and I really pray that healing will take place in their heart and in their homes. 

To cap it off, enjoy the following videos:


  1. I'm so glad Daddy placed you there girl. It may be reaching just a handful but i believe you've touched each of these little hearts with God's grace. And for all you know, these moments with you could go a loooong way. The children are so blessed to have you! :)


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