Paul White Sermon- Reaping What You Sow is Not You Being Judged For Sin Part 2

So reaping what you sow is not you being judged for your sin.

Wat about Gal6:7 then? 

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. - Gal 6:7

It is the token spot in the NT that ppl quote to prove to U that you reap what you sow. 

Paul asks us to take a look at Gal 6 as well. He specifically used KJV (explains how OT is Hebrew, NT is in Greek orig... and how English can mess up the meanings becoz things get lost in translaton) -

Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.

Now we will later derive part of the context of 7 from verse 6-

When you use KJV, you will see that they used the word COMMUNICATE.

Communicate = koinoneo (orig Greek)

- Appears 4 times in NT

- if you apply the English meaning of communicate, as in talking to someone else, it wun make sense. This is because Koinoneo actually means "share what you have with others", "partaker in other ppl's blessings" in the Greek. It doesn't mean talk to each other but share with each other.

The verse thus means- if you have been taught the Word of God, Paul tells the Galatian church, you should give into that ministry. Share with the ministry the good things in your life.  This is not always financial blessings altho it does encompass it. 

So we share good things with the ministry because it shared good things with us. 

Now we can move to verse 7 with the right contextual understanding.

Sowing and reaping appears THREE times in the NT.

1) Mark 4 - Jesus talks about the Parable of the Sower and how he sows seeds into diff sorts of ground. His disciples later ask him what he meant and Jesus told them the seed is the word of God. --_> You sow the Word you reap the Harvest.

2) 2 Cor 9 - Sow sparingly, Reap sparingly... Sow bountifully, Reap bountifully etc etc says Paul. What is he talking about? ---> GIVING. Sowing into good ground. Giving into good ministry.

Above = Similar context too in 3)Gal 6>>

So in both cases they talk about sowing and reaping without any mention of sowing sin and reaping judgement- but why do we draw that conclusion when we get to Gal 6:7????  

Apparently the reason why we misintepret verse 7 is because of a misintepretation verse 8:

For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

Letz read verse 9 and see if the context had changed from giving to sinning:

And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.

What is verse 9 talking about? Giving still! It has a positive tone. But why would it be positive if verse 8 is talking about death becoz of sin sowed??

So we see Paul never changed topics. He was talking about GIVING the entire time!!

Hence we can see how Paul is saying

Dun get depressed if you give and you give and you give. God is not mocked (ie He will keep His Word about what He promises), don't stop giving, you will reap what you sow. Don't stop giving you will get it in your due time.

(TO BE CONT... promise it will be good)


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