Believing in our Supernatural God

From Charles Capp-

In the natural, an aeroplane is too heavy to fly. It weighs about two thousand kilos or more when empty, but because of th law of lift, it can fly.

For a long time men did not know about this law. But when they understood and set them in motion, one law had to give way to the other.

Things that are not seen put to naught things that are seen, and my aeroplane files like a bird, up to 31 thousand feet.

You don't supersede one law with another by violating God's laws. First you have to find out how they work; then you have to cooperate with them.

Operating according to God's laws (note: not legalism or ten commandments. Eg. Biblical Principals like the Law of Seedtime and Harvest, principal of double for your trouble, etc) causes you to be able to shape things that don't seem to be- the unseen- into a workable situation.

My reflection- If we can step into a machine that seems too heavy to fly or remain afloat in the sky because we have faith in what a bunch of engineers say, why can't we have as much or even greater faith in what our Heavenly Daddy says? :)


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