Everyone's looking for a sign... let it be this.

You know sometimes words dun say as much as a gesture. Like a hug... When I see Ian's tired face on Skype video, I just wish I were right beside him to give him a huge comforting hug. HUGGGGGGS  Hubby!

Similary when I look to the Cross, it tells me so much that words can't express. It speaks of an unconditional love made flesh that lived, died and resurrected for me so that I am now living a resurrected life in Christ.

The Cross is like that huge HUG from Daddy God from Heaven to remind me that it is empty (no tortured looking Jesus hanging from it) because Christ has WON the battle, was dead, buried and has risen from the dead so that I am now risen from my dead circumstances... and that we are all more than conquerors in Christ! =) I am no longer slave to my past, to sorrows, to bitterness because my chains are gone, I've been set free. My LORD, My Saviour has ransomed me. And like a flood His mercies reign. Amazing love. Amazing grace.

Sometimes words dun say as much as one gesture of an unconditional and amazing love. Thank You Daddy GOD. Thank You for the Cross LORD. Worthy is the Lamb indeed!

In a world where everyone is looking for a sign, let the Cross be that reminder of hope, mercy, grace and love come down for us. 


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