I love this sermon by Paul White.... wow.



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Extract Transcript

"...you read something in the Word and it will be confusing, and that's often because we don't filter our Scriptures through the finished work of Christ.

For instance Psalms says, "...the LORD is angry with the wicked every day". And if we pull that verse out and build a doctrine out of it, which I have preached a sermon before, God is angry with the wicked every day, and hammer out on all the wicked of the world and how God's mad about it, and someday He's gonna rapture us out and kill people during tribulation... and that would be the way I would have preached it. But every verse has to be filtered through what Jesus did. Is God still angry with the wicked every day? No. He can't be. Why? Because one day, 2000 years ago, he put all His wrath that he was mad about sin- was God angry at sin? You bet. And He put all that wrath into Jesus, smote the Shepherd at the Cros  and now there is no more anger for you. Hallelujah!

So do we take that verse out of our bibles? No. But instead when we read it we glorify the finished work. Do you see how it works? You see a verse, you glorify the finished work. That is how every verse brings glory to Jesus, because if Jesus has fulfilled it, then His name gets brought up when you read it. You say the reason why this verse now speaks beauty to you now is because when you think about how God is angry with the wicked, you think about how God was angry with Jesus and so now God is no longer angry with me. Praise Jesus. "


Paul goes on to talk about how there are 2 approaches to God - one is to fearfully expect judgement from Him, or you can confidently expect good from Him. You choose to do one or the other based on what you think of God and how you think God feels about you.

An old covenant mentality has snucked its way into the new covenant church- "God is quick to bring judgement and slow to bring blessing." That is the way many people feel. They think they have to earn the blessings if they want the blessing. More people (and this is pretty sad if you think about it) are more confident in the devil than they are in the Father. =pp We think that the devil is in the know all the time whilst God is asleep - which is the total opposite of what is true!

God is omnipresent, omnipotent whereas Satan is just one fellow moving around where he can. He is often behind whilst God is always ahead.  =) AMEN! Letz give credit where it is due. =D

And we should also stop focusing on judgement all the time! When we keep expecting God to come heavily down upon us with judgement during judgement day, we cause a distance to divide us and God. We keep thinking he is still mad at us and wants to punish our sins. And the devil starts thinking he is on the winning end and the Holy Spirit comes to remind him that he has been judged. If the church would stand on the winning ground and do the reminding, the HS won't have to do it for us. Because the HS has to remind the devil on our behalf, so many tiimes we are giving up so many of the victories we should have to the latter. =p

Have you heard of the term you reap what you sow? Sadly it is often quoted in the negative context of when one does bad, he gets bad in return. 

Hosea 8:7 - you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind. That is the first instance of you reap what you sow. It doesn't say you reap into the wind. It says if you sow the wind, what you get back is a tornado.  So if you do something bad, you get 10 times worse in return.

There is a reason why this verse appears in Hosea. It is of the OLD TESTAMENT.

Now if it falls under the old testament, it falls under the OLD COVENANT.

Jesus came to establish a better covenant built upon better promises.  Jesus came to give a better promise and has replaced this old covenant promise.  Jesus comes so we wun reap what we sow spiritually. He died at calvary to take care of that.

((((( Note taking TO BE CONTINUED...)))))



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