On Patience and Casting Cares

"But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (James 1:4).

Was just reflecting on this bit about patience having her perfect work.

Joyce Meyer once spoke about how patience goes beyond mere waiting, but waiting with a good attitude. Pastor Prince also spoke about how it's important we wait with joyful expectancy of God's goodness, to keep having a good opinion of God. They aren't the only two pastors that talk about how we should wait for God's rain to fall on our parched ground.

I guess why so many pastors emphasise this point ties in with this quote from James. When we wait patiently with a good attitude, confessing God's goodness instead of being impatient and cross, it helps the blessing manifest in our life faster than when we do otherwise.

It's not that God punishes us for negative confessions. He doesn't any more. All that was done on the Cross. Rather it's us not receiving because we're too self-focus and not Christ-focused. We're busy doing self-analysis, busy watching the calendar, busy feeling guilt and condemnation instead of letting go and letting God.

I think it's precisely when we stop wanting our way, and start receiving Jesus's finished work and His resolution for our problems into every area of our life that we finally are at rest. We finally get what we need as we trust Him and His timing. We start becoming made whole in perfect love that casts off all fear and anxiety.

When we fear and are anxious and speak it out, it actually works against us. The devil can't read our minds, he is not omniscient- but when we speak out about our anxieties he comes to see the buttons to push. If you say you think God's punishing you for not going to church for example, he will amplify that feeling of guilt and condemnation into the other areas of your thought life, and thus make it hard for you to believe in the finished work and receive your rightful inheritance as an heir to the promises of Abraham.

I urge you today to take every thought captive in Christ today. For as a man thinks, so is he. We also speak from the overflow of our hearts. What we think and meditate on will affect our believing, speaking and receiving. Try giving glory where glory is due- see God bigger than your mountains. Choose to have a better opinion of your Daddy In and wait for your breakthrough with a good attitude. You'll feel less burdened, more refreshed, and you will see the victory manifest as you just keep on casting to the LORD! ;)

It took me years to understand and digest this revelation. I hope by sharing you will be encouraged to keep pressing on. Keep Jesus's promise close to your heart:

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have shalom. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33).


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