Blessings of Abraham

Blessings of Abraham-

Gen 24:1 - lived till 175, no record he was ever ill. Blessed by the LORD in ALL things.

Gen 13:2- Abraham was VERY rich in cattle, silver and gold.

Abraham lied to Pharoah about Sarah, 60plus years old, being his sister, and blessed despite of that. Who was in trouble? Pharoah. Who was blessed? Abraham!

Abraham made the same mistake TWICE! This the in Gera with King Abimelech. Now Sarah's 90 plus year old. Still desired. Youth renewed in her old age. Again, Abraham was blessed and the King warned. Abi gave him much riches.

We're blessed not because of what we do. God does not impute our sins upon us because of Jesus.

Don't have to push or pull. Trust God.


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