Psalm 139:5

Saw this verse from Psalms on Facebook earlier on. Felt so comforted by it.

"I am shut in by You on every side, and You have put Your hand on me."
- Psalm 139:5 (Bible in Basic English)

It brings to mind Noah and his family being shut in and protected within the Ark, representative of being protected in Christ.

It causes me to think of God's compassion for Nineveh that He shut Jonah in a whale so that the stubborn man could do His loving will- alert the people of their wrong so they can turn away in time, before destruction occurs.
The destruction is because God has to be a just God. Today He has judged Christ guilty on the cross for our sins. This is why we enjoy His grace. It's not because He has stopped being just and has turned biased for us, but it is because His perfect justice was satisfied by the PERFECT man of Christ and His unconditional love for us.

It brings to mind Lazarus's resurrection- that though a situation seems dead, He can raise it from the dead. We think we're being buried but He's using us to glorify His name so lives can be transformed, blessed, and saved!
We lead a resurrected life today in Christ. It is full of resurrection power so don't let the devil fool you otherwise. :)

I checked online for the commentaries on this verse and these are what I found-

Geneva Study Bible

Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine {d} hand upon me. (Kjv) - You so guide me with Your hand, that I can turn no way, but where You appoint me.

Wesley's Notes

139:5 Beset me - With thy all - seeing providence. And laid - Thou keepest me, as it were with a strong hand, in thy sight and under thy power.

According to orig Hebrew, the verse says we are cupped within His hand, which represents His POWER, from time past till the time yet to come ie. the future.

God surrounds and hedges us in with His power so no other principalities and powers of the evil one can have a go at us- unless it is so that He can use that particular trial as a stepping stone to greater blessings for us! He takes what the devil wants to use to rob us with and turns it into a tool to bless us with. ;)

Think of David, Joseph, Ruth and the Apostle Paul- God used adversity in their lives to bless them, not to allow them to be cursed. The same Daddy God who made sure of that will make sure your victory today. Amen! :)


  1. Now I understand why Jesus said this in John 10:27-30 :
    "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

    I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.

    My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one."


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