Savings this June

Geri's ingenious save money plan for June hols - Will take K out more so we'll use elect and facilities outside- library, Macs, etc. Prob in TPY or Ian's office vicinity. Maybe pack sandwiches for lunch, then try to do cheap dinner afterward. Besides K, we'll try doing cold showers too. Lol. Better for skin, save on the heater- super energy guzzler. Use fans on alt nights in our bedroom, turn off any switches not in use. Not leave lights on when not using them. Boil water with gas stove. Wash only full loads of clothes. Watch less TV. Use only energy saving bulbs not living room lights- user more power, less romantic. Need to fig more ways to save on elect bills. Lol. Will note down more when I fig them out. :)

Other cost cutters - walk more, mrt less. If bus cheaper than train, take bus. Drink water from tap like ian's family- don't need to boil. :) maybe cook in bulk- cheaper- defrost when needed. When watching free to air channels, turn hubstation off. Buy cheaper toilet paper. Use vinegar and bicarb soda to clean- cheaper, less toxic alternative. Wash clothes on fastest setting- use less power. Don't buy mags or toys or anything not essential. Don't take cabs.

Above ALL, trust God to provide more. Esp with payments for router and mobile phone. :) My hope is Jesus and nothing else. ;)


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