Victorious Living

Really enjoying reading "The Life That Wins" by Watchman Nee again. :)

For those experiencing any challenges or trials at the moment, you will also enjoy the revelation that this book offers on living a life of victory. :)

A favourite portion of the book talks about how the life of victory is obtained, not attained. You can't work for victory but you can receive it as a gift. I think many people experience difficulties grasping this point in particular because we live in a meritocratic society where we've been told from young to work and push ourselves hard to earn our place in society. :)

We're also told that "there's no free lunch" in our society. That's true in the natural, fallen world. But this is not true for the Church that's in Christ. Remember the story of Five Loaves and Two Fishes? Well our Saviour gave more than one packet of Free Lunch there. :)

Like that little boy, we can set apart and bring our little to Him. He takes them and blesses them and turns them into plenty for us. There are no limits with God. It's we who limit Him.

This brings to mind an old Catholic Hymn I just heard over in Suntec's Carrefour. The chorus goes - "Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need. Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we need." From the lyrics we can see how God's been limited. The song acknowledges God's mercy yet it denies His blessings being there already in our lives.

Dear ones, when Christ offered His life on the Cross, He gave every blessing He can give us - Life and life more abundantly He offers to us. Notice that He says that He offers this abundance to us, but we must make a personal choice to receive it. I can give you a gift but if you don't accept it, it remains a gift that is waiting to be received. So open up your hearts and receive His grace. It's an amazing grace and it's for the taking. ALL glory to His name. Amen?


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