He is unlimited ;)

Do you know who loves you so much He's practically tattooed your name on the palm of His hand?

*Drum roll*

Your Heavenly Lim Peh or Daddy. Our Abba Father. :) See Isaiah 49:16- I have written your name on my hand. ;) You can bet God doesn't choose an ink that's anything less than permanent to write your name on His palm. Another translation shows how committed He is- Behold, I have ENGRAVED thee upon the palms of my hand. :)

Your Heavenly Daddy aka GOD loves you. Never forget that. He loved you so much, He opened His arms 2000 years ago, across the limitless span of time, to die ONCE AND FOR ALL for every single one of your sins- past, present, future. And it's not a half past six job that needs our help completing. He made it very clear- "It is finished." :) Not you but your sins. Now we have on robes of righteousness and garments of praise.

Don't let anyone rob you of that gift, the knowledge and understanding of that victory. Scripture says, The joy of the LORD is your strength. Jesus says, I have come to give you life and life more abundantly. If you see lack and unhappiness in your life, Mister S.A Tan has obviously robbed you blind.

You have the authority as a child of God to claim against that because Jesus paid a HUGE price for you to enjoy that gift. And you must not be double minded about confessing your Heavenly Dad's promises over your life. Don't one minute confess abundance, next minute talk about your lack. :) Be joyfully expectant and patient- waiting with a good attitude, believing God to be limitless and awesome. ;)

Have a fabulous Sunday with Him. Shalom!

P/s- He will never abandon or forsake you. It only seems that way because the devil has cunningly put on blinders for you so you see what he wants you to see, not what God wants you to see. By ignoring the natural, and believing in the amazing grace and supernatural limitless ability of God to make good all our bad, you are slowly but surely ripping those blinders off so you can see how great is your God. :)


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