Be Magnified...

I got my choir file a few days ago and was more than happy to flip through it. I saw familiar songs and I read the lyrics to this song,"Be Magnified", and felt extremely touched by it.

There is nothing that God cannot do, but we so oft limit Him through our unbelieving words.

A daily devotional I read asked this weird question - "When is a bird bigger than a mountain?"

The answer? "When it is closer."

Are we closer to Daddy or to our mountains today? Because our perspective with regards to our trials and tribulations are affected by the relationship we have with Him.

If you see the mountains as being bigger, than I urge you to quickly head back into your Abba Father's arms now; just like the Papa in the Prodigal Son parable, our Abba Daddy is scanning the horizon for you and will sprint towards you with sheer joy at your presence.

Abide close by Him and you will always see your Heavenly Abba up-close-and-personal, and not "from a distance" as a certain pop song lyrics state.

Magnify the LORD over your problems no matter how daunting they seem to be seen through flesh eyes. It is not easy at first, but with each song of praise that you sing through your tears, it gets easier - because He will lighten your heart, and take away the yoke of fear or anxiety that burdens you.

" Heal my heart and show Yourself strong
And in my eyes and with my song
Oh Lord, be magnified."


  1. I love this song too! But i prefer Don Moen's voice :p


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