Intro to John continued =D

The Word was God (1:1) but also became flesh (1:14) as Christ.

God wanted to experience and truly understand what we go through as human beings. Just look at some of the human experiences Christ had. We don't have a high and lofty God, we have a God who truly cares, a Father who truly understands our pain.

Weariness - 4:6
Thirst - 4:7
Dependence - 5:19
Grief - 11:35
Troubled Soul- 12:27
Anguish +death - 19

What peace we often forfeit and what needless grief we bear because we do not take it to the LORD in prayer!


John uses allegories a lot in his writings.

Allegories is defined in the dictionary as this - a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms.

In short an allegory is when one speaks so as to imply something other.

John was also adapt at the usage of parallelism.

Parallelism is defined by a dictionary as this - likeness, correspondence, or similarity in aspect, course, or tendency.

The account of the miracle feeding of the multitude and that of walking on water found in the Synoptic gospels can be found in this book.

John shows the relevance of the Living Word to ALL men (3:16, 10:16, 12:32)

The Gospel According to John can be split up this way -

1) Incarnation of the Son of God (1:1-18)

This is the introduction and gives the background of the the historical narrative and talks about the nature of Jesus. The intro is a forerunner that clarifies misunderstandings. It notes the rejection and acceptance that Christ will finding during His Earthly ministry.

2) Presentation of the Son of God (1:19- 4:54)

Christ is placed under the careful consideration and scrutiny of Israel. He is introduced by John the Baptist who directs his disciples to Christ. 7 signs are listed (carefully selected out of a myriad by John). This builds a concise case of His deity.

The 7 Signs

- Changing of water into wine (ritual & law is replaced by the reality of grace)
- Healing of the noble men's son (gospel brings spiritual restoration)
- Healing of the paralytic (weakness replaced by strength)
- Feeding of the Multitude (satisfaction of Spiritual hunger and Provision of our needs on this Earth)
- Walking on Water (transformation of fear into faith)
- Sight being returned to man born blind (overcoming darkness brings light)
- Raising of Lazarus from the dead (gospel brings people from death to life)

3) Opposition to the Son of God (5:1- 12:50)

John records the reaction of belief and disbelief after the performance of each miracle before moving on to the next. This portrays the intense opposition culminating in the final rejection of Christ on the Cross.

4) Preparation of Disciples by the Son of God ( 13:1-17:26)

The first 12 chapters of John shows us the incarnation and public ministry of Jesus that takes place over several years.

The 2nd batch of 5 chapters give a detailed account of a few important hours.
- a clear and vivid recollection of His last discourse to the Apostles who were fearful and confused.
- He knows that He will be crucified in less than 24 hours.
- His last words speak of ALL the resources that the disciples will have after His departure. It tells of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that will empower us.
- It contains message of the Epistles in capsule form - reveals God's patern for Christian living (ie. servant-hood, Holy Spirit, abiding in Christ).

Christ's High Priestly prayer for the Apostles and all who believe in Him through the Word (gospel) can be found in 17:20.

5) Crucifixion + Resurrection of the Son of God (18:1 - 21:25)

We see Christ's arrest and trials before Annas, Caiaphas and Pilate. We see how the crucifixion fulfills John the Baptist's prophetic Word (1:29) and ends with a very detailed account of post-resurrection appearance of Christ . The Resurrection is the ultimate sign that Jesus is the Son of God.

(will research more soon =D )


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